Mathematics in the hands of the Empress


Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh [Guide to Arithmetic for Use in People's Schools]

[VUIANOVSKII, Stefan], Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh

Empress Mariia Fedorovna's copy of an important Russian textbook for arithmetic. First edition, in a lovely example finely bound in green silk with attractive endpapers.

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The very rare first edition

MANDELSHTAM, Osip Emilevich

Kamen [Stone]

MANDELSHTAM, Osip Emilevich, Kamen

First edition of the first book by one of Russia's greatest 20th-century poets. A very good example of this rare edition.

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An exceptional, large-paper example


Wörter-Sammlungen aus den Sprachen einiger Völker des östlichen Asiens und der Nordwest-Küste von Amerika

KRUSENSTERN, Ivan Fedorovich [KRUZENSHTERN], Wörter-Sammlungen aus den Sprachen einiger Völker des östlichen Asiens und der Nordwest-Küste von Amerika

First edition of Kruzenshtern's important study of North Pacific languages, in a superb, very unusual example: very crisp, uncut, in plain temporary wrappers and printed on thicker woven paper. We were unable to trace other such large-paper copies. A rare book on the market: only two copies at auction.

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18th-c. Russian explained in French and German


Rossiiskii, s nemetskim i frantsuzskim perevodami, slovar [Russian Dictionary, with German and French Translations]

NORDSTET, Ivan, Rossiiskii, s nemetskim i frantsuzskim perevodami, slovar

A thick and uncommon dictionary explaning in German and French the Russian language used during Catherine the Great. A very good copy in contemporary binding.

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Probably the rarest edition

ZICHY, Michael von


ZICHY, Michael von, Liebe

The last edition of these celebrated erotic illustrations before the destruction of the original plates, rarer than the previous, 1911 edition. One of 300 copies only. In excellent condition.

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WWI caricatures in ancient style

USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich

Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni [Chronicle of the Teutonic War on the Slavs]


USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich, Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni

Complete set of this unusual war satire, written and illustrated in ancient Russian style. Rare when handcoloured, as here.

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Large political caricatures of a troubled year

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist)

Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni [Heroes of Troubled Times]

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist), Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni

Very rare album of full-page satirical illustrations of the situation in Russia during the turbulent years of the Civil War. Published in Berlin in 1921, and particularly remarkbale for its even-handed swipe at all participants in the War. Only three copies traced in Western public institutions.

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In striking wrappers

SOLZHENITSYN, Aleksandr Isaevich

Odin den Ivana Denisovicha [One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich]

SOLZHENITSYN, Aleksandr Isaevich, Odin den Ivana Denisovicha

First edition of the celebrated author's first book § a famous 'pirate' edition published without Solzhenitsyn's consent. A very good copy, with the striking original wrappers.

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Russian vessels in America - inscribed

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors)

S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938 [From the Shores of America: commemorative historical compendium of the Association of former Russian naval officers in America, 1923 - 1938]

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors), S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938

A warmly inscribed copy of this interesting book about the Russian navy, especially in relation to the Pacific and the USA. With illustrations and maps, in particular of the northern shore of Russia and North Pacific.

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Extensive contemporary analysis of Tolstoy's masterpiece

[TOLSTOY] – NOROV, Avraam Sergeevich

Voina i mir (1805-1812). S istoricheskoi tochki zrenia i po vospominaniam sovremennika. Po povodu sochinenia L.N.Tolstogo "Voina i mir" [War and Peace (1805-1812). From an Historical Perspective and Following Memories of a Contemporary. About the work of Count L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace"]

[TOLSTOY] - NOROV, Avraam Sergeevich, Voina i mir (1805-1812). S istoricheskoi tochki zrenia i po vospominaniam sovremennika. Po povodu sochinenia L.N.Tolstogo "Voina i mir"

A very rare extensive review and analysis of Tolstoy's masterpiece, published by a writer and book collector immediately when War and Peace's first edition was being brought out.

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Dostoevsky's most political novel

DOSTOEVSKY, Fedor Mikhailovich

Besy [The Devils, sometimes The Possessed or Demons]

DOSTOEVSKY, Fedor Mikhailovich, Besy

Dostoevsky's most political novel: a very good example of the first edition, in contemporary Russian binding.

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Abundant imperial hunting parties in the Mountains


Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

KALINOVSKII, A, Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

First edition of this impressive visual record of imperial hunting parties in the Caucasus - one of the greatest Russian hunting books, in French and Russian, conceived and produced specifically to promote the Caucasian region at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900. With 100 leaves of illustrations. A good example in the publisher's binding.

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More than a mere translation

MALTUS [Thomas Robert MALTHUS]

Opyt o zakone narodonaseleniya ili izlozhenie proshedshago i nastoyashchago deystviya etogo zakona na blagodenstvie chelovecheskago roda […] [Essay on the Law of Population; Translated by P. A. Bibikov]

MALTUS [Thomas Robert MALTHUS], Opyt o zakone narodonaseleniya ili izlozhenie proshedshago i nastoyashchago deystviya etogo zakona na blagodenstvie chelovecheskago roda […]

Scarce first Russian edition of a major landmark of economic literature, the Essay on the Principle of Population, first published in English in 1798. An interesting edition with much material added by the translator Bibikov.

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Diaghilev collecting debts


Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

DIAGHILEV, Serge, Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

Very good autograph letter by Diaghilev, the celebrated founder of the Ballets Russes. With his bold signature, which is rarely found.

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Russian railways before the Transsiberian


Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

HOVYN DE TRANCHÈRE, Jules-Auguste, Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

Rare statistical book on the Russian Railways, at a relatively early stage of development, complete with its detailed folding map. Printed in St. Petersburg. A lovely example, inscribed by the author.

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With a view of the British mission

MARTOS, Aleksei [Ivanovich]

Pisma o vostochnoi Sibiri [Letters on Eastern Siberia]

MARTOS, Aleksei [Ivanovich], Pisma o vostochnoi Sibiri

A fine, uncut copy of the first edition of this rare Russian book on Siberia and the Chinese border, illustrated, and giving an account of the second British mission in Russia. Praised by Gogol among others.

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In a binding with deer tools

[CRULL, Jodocus] (editor) and J[oachim] BOUVET

The Present Condition of the Muscovite Empire, till the Year 1699. In Two Letters: the First from a Gentleman, Who Was Conversant with the Muscovite Ambassadour in Holland: the Second from a Person of Quality at Vienna, Concerning the Late Muscovite Embassy, His Present Czarish Majesty; the Russian Empire; and Great-Tartary. With the Life of the Present Emperour of China

[CRULL, Jodocus] (editor) and J[oachim] BOUVET, The Present Condition of the Muscovite Empire, till the Year 1699. In Two Letters: the First from a Gentleman, Who Was Conversant with the Muscovite Ambassadour in Holland: the Second from a Person of Quality at Vienna, Concerning the Late Muscovite Embassy, His Present Czarish Majesty; the Russian Empire; and Great-Tartary. With the Life of the Present Emperour of China

Russian and China at the end of the 17th century, in a lovely binding with deer tools. A fine example of the first edition, the Macclesfield copy.

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Some of the most recognisable buildings of St. Petersburg

THOMAS de THOMON, Jean-François

Recueil des plans et façades des principaux monumens construits à Saint Pétersbourg et dans les différentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie

THOMAS de THOMON, Jean-François, Recueil des plans et façades des principaux monumens construits à Saint Pétersbourg et dans les différentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie

Scarce architectural work by one of the leading architects of the Russian empire under Tsar Paul 1st, and responsible for some of the most famous buildings in St. Petersburg and Odessa.

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