Extensive ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA

Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA, Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

Fine copy of this great scholarly work on the population of the Caucasus, richly illustrated. First edition.

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'South to the Great Steppe' - with his wife

ATKINSON, Thomas William

Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

ATKINSON, Thomas William, Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

Pleasant copy of the first edition of this famous, extensive description of Central Asia at the heart of the Great Game.

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Extensive, scholarly, and with Imeretian dialect

BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune)

Eléments de la langue géorgienne

BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune), Eléments de la langue géorgienne

Very attractive copy of this significant grammar of the Georgian language, the third such grammar to appear in the West. First edition, complete with its two folding plates, finely produced by the French State press. Uncommon.

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The Caucasus: topography and languages

[ELLIS, George]

Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

[ELLIS, George], Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

A great work on the Caucasus and its peoples, from Chechnya to Georgia, detailing their customs and, more originally, their languages, next to a large map of the region. First edition, in very good condition.

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Mekhitar of Sebaste arrives in Venice


Mec Alpert; tʹargmaneceal ʹi vałnǰoucʹ žamanakacʹ, ʹi mecamecacʹ vardapetacʹ merocʹ, ʹi Latʹin lezuē ʹi Hay barbaṙ: Ew nardenis ʹi luys acecʹeal, ew srbagreʹceal.. [Compendium of Theology of St. Albert the Great]

ALBERT THE GREAT and Mekhitar SEBASTATSI (editor), Mec Alpert; tʹargmaneceal ʹi vałnǰoucʹ žamanakacʹ, ʹi mecamecacʹ vardapetacʹ merocʹ, ʹi Latʹin lezuē ʹi Hay barbaṙ: Ew nardenis ʹi luys acecʹeal, ew srbagreʹceal..

A very important edition symbolically: the first book printed by Mekhitar in Venice. A fine copy of this rare work - no copy traced in the USA.

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"One does not have to go very far to gain an immense appreciation for the magnitude of Zohrapian's contribution" (Cox)

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] – ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor)

A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean [Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.[...] With prefaces to each book and an appendix of Apocryphal writings]

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] - ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor), A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean

A landmark edition of the Armenian Bible, in a pleasant example. Rarely found.

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By the "Herodot of Kazakh steppes"

LEVCHINE, Alexis de [Aleksei Iraklevich LEVSHIN, also LIOVSHIN]

Description des hordes et des steppes des Kirghiz-Kazaks ou Kirghiz-Kaïssaks

LEVCHINE, Alexis de [Aleksei Iraklevich LEVSHIN, also LIOVSHIN], Description des hordes et des steppes des Kirghiz-Kazaks ou Kirghiz-Kaïssaks

The first extensive study of the people of Kazakhstan: first French edition, with the same illustrations as the original Russian edition; including a folding map of the area, which was very rare at the time.

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Which one is higher?

TILLO, Aleksei

Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu [Description of the Aral-Caspian Levelling Conducted in 1874]

TILLO, Aleksei, Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu

Scarce scientific work with detailed maps of the area between the two seas, now in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

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Impressive large-format carpets


Kovrovyia izdeliia Srednei Azii. Tapisseries de l'Asie Centrale

BOGOLIUBOV - BOGOLUBOW, Andrei, Kovrovyia izdeliia Srednei Azii. Tapisseries de l'Asie Centrale

The first systematic study of the rugs of Central Asia in a very large, impressive format. A beautiful production of the Russian State Press, here in a full red leather binding.

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Contemporary portrait

French school of the 19th century

Portrait de Hadji Mourad

French school of the 19th century, Portrait de Hadji Mourad

Extremely rare contemporary portrait of a famous Caucasian rebel - described by Gagarin and Tolstoy.

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Famous account of the Middle East

FORBIN, Auguste, comte de

Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et 1818

FORBIN, Auguste, comte de, Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et 1818

Forbin's text volumes describing his celebrated travel to the Middle East; in very good condition.

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Svetlov-Fekula copy - one of 50 only

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Sergey LIFAR and Prof. M. L. GOFMAN (editors)

Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda [Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Sergey LIFAR and Prof. M. L. GOFMAN (editors), Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda

Pushkin's best travel account in a fine bibliophilic edition, one of 50 'ad nominem' copies only, this one for Valerian Svetlov.

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Pushkin escapes the Tsar's police

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Sergey LIFAR (editor)

Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda [A Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Sergey LIFAR (editor), Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda

Pushkin's best travel account in a fine bibliophilic edition, with the first publication of his draft.

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The Great Game and Central Asian walnuts

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich

Ot Tashkenta do Gavy [From Tashkent to Gava]

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich, Ot Tashkenta do Gavy

A lovely association copy, inscribed by the author to an important Russain official in Turkestan, of a very rare travel account in the heart of Russian Central Asia. An early Uzbek publication containing fascinating details on the economy of the region, especially in the Fergana valley in the Arslanbob mountains, famous for its important walnut forest.

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An aristocrat, traveller and diplomat, with artistic talents

GAGARINE, Prince Grégoire – Kniaz Grigorii Grigorevich GAGARIN

Dessins et croquis d'après nature. Risunki i nabroski s natury

GAGARINE, Prince Grégoire - Kniaz Grigorii Grigorevich GAGARIN, Dessins et croquis d'après nature. Risunki i nabroski s natury

Gagarin's artistic record of Turkish and Caucasian types, among other sketches reproduced, including portraits of Russian aristocrats in the Caucasus, Gypsies in Moscow and views of Egypt and Greece. A beautiful, large format production of one of the best Russian presses of the time. A fine example with contemporary provenance.

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Abundant imperial hunting parties in the Mountains


Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

KALINOVSKII, A, Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

First edition of this impressive visual record of imperial hunting parties in the Caucasus - one of the greatest Russian hunting books, in French and Russian, conceived and produced specifically to promote the Caucasian region at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900. With 100 leaves of illustrations. A good example in the publisher's binding.

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Central Asian languages printed and bound in chinese style

HUNTER, George W

Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turkish Text with English Translation

HUNTER, George W, Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turkish Text with English Translation

An unusual book: produced by a Scottish protestant in Western China, printed in mimeography and detailing and translating many Central Asian dialects related to Turkish. First edition of this remarkable item, here in appealing condition.

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Ukazatel putei paketbotnykh parokhodov Rossiiskikh i inostrannykh [Russian and foreign packet boats' pathfinder].

[BLACK SEA], Ukazatel putei paketbotnykh parokhodov Rossiiskikh i inostrannykh

A fascinating and extremely rare map, in excellent condition, showing the steam-boats routes on the Black Sea just a year before the outbreak of the Crimean War.

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