Probably the first such work on the subject in Russia and the USSR

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich

Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia [Sexual Disorders in Men: Sexual Impotence, Male Infertility, Sexual Perversions]

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich, Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia

Very rare first edition of this study covering many aspects, with few taboos and much nuance - a surprisingly complete, scholarly and cultured work on the subject. Of great rarity: no other copy traced.

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Pushkin's Russia in figures


Rossiiskaia statistika [Statistics of Russia]

ZIABLOVSKII, Evdokim, Rossiiskaia statistika

Fascinating read about Russia under Tsar Alexander I, the Russia which saw Napoleon, Krylov, Griboedov, Pushkin... Atrractive example of the first edition, with a wealth of information on all themes. Very rare in the West.

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Colourful satire by Odessans in Paris

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others

Bich. Bitche [Whip]

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others, Bich. Bitche

Complete set of this scarce satirical periodical of the Russophone community in Paris. With a wealth of caricatural drawings and wide-ranging texts.

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Who's who of one of Russia's main business centres


Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte [Address Book of Saint Petersburg Exchange Merchants, Brokers and Inspectors at the Saint Petersburg Port]

[SAINT-PETERSBURG] –, Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte

Fine example, in the original boards, of this very rare inventory of the main business actors in Saint Petersburg, the Russian capital, under Tsar Alexander II. No other copy traced outside Russia.

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The 'Russian oligarchs' of yesterday


Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii [Remarkable Wealths of Private Individuals in Russia]

KARNOVICH, Evgenii, Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii

Fresh example of this extensive, high-quality, and very unusual study of private wealth in tsarist Russia. A fascinating and very informative read, curiously authorised by the censors.

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"One does not have to go very far to gain an immense appreciation for the magnitude of Zohrapian's contribution" (Cox)

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] – ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor)

A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean [Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.[...] With prefaces to each book and an appendix of Apocryphal writings]

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] - ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor), A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean

A landmark edition of the Armenian Bible, in a pleasant example. Rarely found.

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Great Ukrainian satire of the Cold War

KOZAK, Edvard and Liuboslav HUTSALIUK

Lys Mykyta [WITH] Lys Mykyta. Kalendar na rik 1949 [The Fox Mykyta [WITH] The Fox Mykyta. Calendar for Year 1949].

KOZAK, Edvard and Liuboslav HUTSALIUK, Lys Mykyta [WITH] Lys Mykyta. Kalendar na rik 1949

A striking satirical magazine, published in the US in Ukrainian, remarkable for its Cold-War caricatures covering more than 20 years. An important run of more than 170 issues, with the very first 1949 Almanac.

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The new concept of 'hybrid warfare'

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii]

Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial [The Worldwide Subversion-War]

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii], Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial

The Cold War and the 1960s analysed by a military theorist. A fine example of the first edition.

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Which one is higher?

TILLO, Aleksei

Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu [Description of the Aral-Caspian Levelling Conducted in 1874]

TILLO, Aleksei, Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu

Scarce scientific work with detailed maps of the area between the two seas, now in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

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A rare example of Russian text of the Enlightenment

[CATHERINE II, the Great]

Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis


[CATHERINE II, the Great], Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis

A lovely example of this famous edition of Catherine's celebrated Great Instructions, much inspired by important European philosophers of the Englightenment.

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The World Powers seen from Russia - and bound in Istanbul


Vneshniaia politika Rossii i polozhenie inostrannykh derzhav [Russia's External Policy and the Position of Foreign States]


SKALKOVSKII, Konstantin, Vneshniaia politika Rossii i polozhenie inostrannykh derzhav

Wide-ranging and fascinating analysis of the world powers and their relationships with Russia at the turn of the 20th century - with great comments on China and the USA. First edition, bound in Constantinople and with interesting modern provenance.

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Smoking in Pushkin's Russia

[TOBACCO] – ARTO, Amedei

Obiavlenie [Announcement]

[TOBACCO] - ARTO, Amedei, Obiavlenie

Detailed price list of tobacco products offered in Moscow during Pushkin's time, showing a broad and very international range. A rare, unusual ephemera in excellent, fresh condition.

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Lenin's first significant work

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV]

Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti [The Development of Capitalism in Russia. The Process of Formation of a Home Market for Large-Scale Industry]

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV], Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti

First edition of Lenin's first substantial work, and one of his first two books published in 1899. A landmark economic analysis.

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Mathematics in the hands of the Empress


Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh [Guide to Arithmetic for Use in People's Schools]

[VUIANOVSKII, Stefan], Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh

Empress Mariia Fedorovna's copy of an important Russian textbook for arithmetic. First edition, in a lovely example finely bound in green silk with attractive endpapers.

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WWI caricatures in ancient style

USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich

Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni [Chronicle of the Teutonic War on the Slavs]


USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich, Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni

Complete set of this unusual war satire, written and illustrated in ancient Russian style. Rare when handcoloured, as here.

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Large political caricatures of a troubled year

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist)

Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni [Heroes of Troubled Times]

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist), Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni

Very rare album of full-page satirical illustrations of the situation in Russia during the turbulent years of the Civil War. Published in Berlin in 1921, and particularly remarkbale for its even-handed swipe at all participants in the War. Only three copies traced in Western public institutions.

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More than a mere translation

MALTUS [Thomas Robert MALTHUS]

Opyt o zakone narodonaseleniya ili izlozhenie proshedshago i nastoyashchago deystviya etogo zakona na blagodenstvie chelovecheskago roda […] [Essay on the Law of Population; Translated by P. A. Bibikov]

MALTUS [Thomas Robert MALTHUS], Opyt o zakone narodonaseleniya ili izlozhenie proshedshago i nastoyashchago deystviya etogo zakona na blagodenstvie chelovecheskago roda […]

Scarce first Russian edition of a major landmark of economic literature, the Essay on the Principle of Population, first published in English in 1798. An interesting edition with much material added by the translator Bibikov.

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Russian railways before the Transsiberian


Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

HOVYN DE TRANCHÈRE, Jules-Auguste, Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

Rare statistical book on the Russian Railways, at a relatively early stage of development, complete with its detailed folding map. Printed in St. Petersburg. A lovely example, inscribed by the author.

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