Crimean Greek antiquities in red morocco

ASHIK, Anton Baltazarovich

Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami, raspisnymi vazami, planami, kartami i vidami [The Bosphorus Kingdom and its Palaeographic Monuments and Tombstones, Painted Vases, Plans, Maps and Views]

ASHIK, Anton Baltazarovich, Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami, raspisnymi vazami, planami, kartami i vidami

The first significant work on the Greek antiquities on the Black Sea shores. A complete copy of this famous archeological book finely produced in Odessa, here in a luxurious binding. With unusual provenance.

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Impressive manuscript confirmation of nobility

RYNKIEWICZ, Efim and family

Certification of 'szlachta' (nobility) status for the family

RYNKIEWICZ, Efim and family, Certification of 'szlachta' (nobility) status for the family

Striking official documents in manuscript, related to the Rynkiewicz family and its nobility status, in Polish and Russian with fresh watercolour illustrations. A fine item of heraldry, very well preserved its red-morocco binding and large brass seal: rare so.

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Ukraine's ancient history and culture


Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre [Antiquities of the Dnipro Region]

KHANENKO, Bogdan, Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre

Major study of ancient artefacts found in central Ukraine and down to the Black Sea. An impressive production, both scientific and beautiful, and very rare complete of all issues.

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Yalta's bay on a 1.5m panorama

MITKIN, Mikhail

Obshchii vid Ialty [General View of Yalta]

MITKIN, Mikhail, Obshchii vid Ialty

Fine and scarce photographic view of the famous Crimean coastal town. In an attractive binding of the time.

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Southeastern Europe in a signed full-morocco binding

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de, and Auguste RAFFET (artist)

Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie exécutée en 1837

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de, and Auguste RAFFET (artist), Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie exécutée en 1837

Appealing copy of this classic travel account, here in first edition.

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Famine? Which famine?


Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv [The Kremlin's Greatest Crime: the Planned Artificial Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933]

VERBYTSKYI, M, Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv

A striking cover for a striking book: the first extensive study of the 1930s Great Famine in Ukraine. First edition, published in London.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Fascinating account of the trade and business in Southern Russia and the Black Sea in the 18th century - with a wealth of details and personal comments. First edition, not common.

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Half their wages into alcohol


Chi dodae sili alkogol? [Does Alcohol Give Strength?]

BARSKIY, Y. A, Chi dodae sili alkogol?

Great example of Soviet health propaganda, trying to make Ukrainians more sober. Very rare.

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Dangerous illegal printing in Soviet Ukraine


Istoriia UPA [History of the UPA]

[SHANKOVSKY, Lev], Istoriia UPA

Rare example of a Ukrainian samizdat, focusing on the history of its now famous resistance group.

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An Irish poet fond of Provencal celebrates Romania's independence and publishes it in Plymouth

BONAPARTE-WYSE, William Charles

On Occasion of Roumania Constituting Herself a Kingdom. An Ode. With a French version by Constant Hennion

BONAPARTE-WYSE, William Charles, On Occasion of Roumania Constituting Herself a Kingdom. An Ode. With a French version by Constant Hennion

A fascinating multi-cultural work, from Ireland and the UK to France and Romania - in a fine, large-paper example inscribed by the author, a relative of Napoleon. Very rare.

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Lovely piece of binding art from Odessa


Presentation portfolio

[ODESSA - BINDING], Presentation portfolio

Odessa's Chief Prosecutor receives a fine leather portfolio with silver plaque - with the original documents preserved.

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Fascinating illustrated account

GOPPE, German (publisher)

Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny [The Illustrated Chronicle of War]

GOPPE, German (publisher), Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny

The Balkans, Southern Eastern Europe and Western Turkey in two fascinating folio volumes detailing all events of the 1877-78 war. Very richly illustrated and rarely found in such an attractive example, here in the original publisher's binding.

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Celebrating Ukraine's past in folio and in colour


Iz ukrainskoi stariny. La Petite Russie d'autrefois

SAMOKISH, N.S. and S.I. VASILKOVSKII (artists), text by D.I. EVARNITSKII, Iz ukrainskoi stariny. La Petite Russie d'autrefois

Beautiful portfolio showing 20 folio colour plates of Ukrainian Cossacks's scenes, costumes and heroes - with a vibrant text in Russian and French by an important Ukrainian scholar.

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Central Europe's oldest spa town in colour

[HOSER, Joseph Carl Eduard]

Beschreibung von Teplitz in Böhmen

[HOSER, Joseph Carl Eduard], Beschreibung von Teplitz in Böhmen

A scarce description of Central Europe's oldest spa town, now in Czech Republic, with a fine double-page view with original hand-colour. Attractive example with royal provenance.

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Literary identity in Western Ukraine

Pavel LEONTOVICH and others

Lervak z nad Siana

Pavel LEONTOVICH and others, Lervak z nad Siana

An extremely rare and fascinating book related to the national identity of Western Ukraine, through language and literature.

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Rare illustrations of Ukrainian textile - from an art historian's family


Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo [Ukrainian Folk Art]

[UKRAINE - TEXTILE], Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo

An excellent set of this series on the Ukrainian art of lace and textile decoration, richly illustrated. Very rare, on the market like in libraries. With fine literary and artistic provenance.

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Personal memories of a UNRRA camp officer

MILLS, Edwin (compiler, photographer)

[Album of Photographs of a UNRRA Camp, its Employees and Refugees, in 1945-c.1947]

MILLS, Edwin (compiler, photographer), [Album of Photographs of a UNRRA Camp, its Employees and Refugees, in 1945-c.1947]

Extensive photographic documentation of the life of a UNRRA camp officer in the aftermath of WW2 in Germany - with other ephemera and documents.

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A topical ephemera


Za suverennu Ukrainu i rozpodil Rosiiskoi imperii! For a Sovereign Ukraine and the Dismembering of the Russian Empire!

[UKRAINE], Za suverennu Ukrainu i rozpodil Rosiiskoi imperii! For a Sovereign Ukraine and the Dismembering of the Russian Empire!

Great and unusual US-printed postcard for Ukrainian independance from the Soviet Union, shown as an extension of the Russian empire.

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