Uncommon folio views

HARDINGE, Charles Stewart

Sketches in the Camp before Sebastopol

Uncommon folio views
HARDINGE, Charles Stewart. Sketches in the Camp before Sebastopol.
Published/created in: 1855


Attractive and quite rare lithograph work showing scarce scenes of the Crimean War. First edition, in its first binding.

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Innovative philosophy and current affairs in the 1930s

BORANETSKII, Petr, Nikolai KLEPININ and others

Tretia Rossiia. La Troisième Russie

Innovative philosophy and current affairs in the 1930s
BORANETSKII, Petr, Nikolai KLEPININ and others. Tretia Rossiia. La Troisième Russie.
Published/created in: 1932-39


Complete set of this scarce magazine of Russian émigrés in Paris, dealing or, rather, reflecting on some important international political issues of the 1930s, and trying to elaborate a new philosophy, rejecting at the same time the Communists, Democrats, Conservatives and Christians. An excellent copy in publisher's wrappers.

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Beardsley craze in Russia

[BEARDSLEY] – Mikhail LIKIARDOPULO (editor and translator) and others

Obri Berdslei. Risunki, povest, stikhi, aforizmy, pisma [Beardsley. Drawings, Novella, Poems, Aphorisms, Letters]

Beardsley craze in Russia
[BEARDSLEY] - Mikhail LIKIARDOPULO (editor and translator) and others. Obri Berdslei. Risunki, povest, stikhi, aforizmy, pisma. [Beardsley. Drawings, Novella, Poems, Aphorisms, Letters]
Published/created in: 1912


One of the first major works on Beardsley, with a wealth of illustrations and other material, literary as well as bio-bibliographical. A rare edition in the West, here in a pleasant press copy.

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Southern Ukraine for Swedes


Resa genom Krimm och Bessarabien Öfwersättning af Pehr Olof Gravander

Southern Ukraine for Swedes
SUMAROKOFF, Paul. Resa genom Krimm och Bessarabien. Öfwersättning af Pehr Olof Gravander
Published/created in: 1805


Early Russian work on the Crimea, here translated in Swedish. Uncommon.

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Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia


Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia
[GASTRONOMY]. Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg.
Published/created in: 1843


Extremely rare broadside boasting "the all-best" teas from China available at a merchant's in St. Petersburg. The poster contains much interesting information and is illustrated with many Asian scenes. Very fragile but in very good condition.

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Extensive, scholarly, and with Imeretian dialect

BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune)

Eléments de la langue géorgienne

Extensive, scholarly, and with Imeretian dialect
BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune). Eléments de la langue géorgienne.
Published/created in: 1837


Very attractive copy of this significant grammar of the Georgian language, the third such grammar to appear in the West. First edition, complete with its two folding plates, finely produced by the French State press. Uncommon.

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First extensive original French work on Ukraine since Beauplan

CASTELNAU, Gabriel de

Essai sur l'histoire ancienne et moderne de la Nouvelle Russie: Statistique des provinces qui la composent: Fondation d'Odessa, ses progrès, son état actuel, détails sur son commerce: Voyage en Crimée, dans l'intérêt de l'agriculture et du commerce

First extensive original French work on Ukraine since Beauplan
CASTELNAU, Gabriel de. Essai sur l'histoire ancienne et moderne de la Nouvelle Russie: Statistique des provinces qui la composent: Fondation d'Odessa, ses progrès, son état actuel, détails sur son commerce: Voyage en Crimée, dans l'intérêt de l'agriculture et du commerce.
Published/created in: 1820


First edition of this major, relatively early work on southern Ukraine, Odessa and Crimea; complete with engraved views and maps. A pleasant copy in attractive condition.

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Propaganda against propaganda

POTOTSKII, N[ikolai] [pseud. for Nikolai SHAPOVALENKO]

Sputnik propagandista narodnoi monarkhii. Monarquia democrática: Guida del propagandista [Democratic Monarchy: The Propagandist's Guide]

Propaganda against propaganda
POTOTSKII, N[ikolai] [pseud. for Nikolai SHAPOVALENKO]. Sputnik propagandista narodnoi monarkhii. Monarquia democrática: Guida del propagandista. [Democratic Monarchy: The Propagandist's Guide]
Published/created in: 1954


First edition of this anti-USSR and anti-communist work, focusing on the right speech to have to spread monarchist views for Russia. An uncommon South-American imprint.

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Esenin's first published book

ESENIN, Sergei Aleksandrovich

Radunitsa [Ritual for the Dead]

Esenin's first published book
ESENIN, Sergei Aleksandrovich. Radunitsa. [Ritual for the Dead]
Published/created in: 1916


First edition of this important book of poetry, Esenin's first offered for sale. In the original wrappers. Scarce: no copy traced in public institutions outside Russia.

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In bright condition

CHAKIROV, Nikita (editor)

Tsarskie koronatsii na Rusi iz Istorii Derzhavy Rossiiskoi XVI-XX vv. The history of the Russian Empire

In bright condition
CHAKIROV, Nikita (editor). Tsarskie koronatsii na Rusi iz Istorii Derzhavy Rossiiskoi XVI-XX vv. The history of the Russian Empire.
Published/created in: 1971


Fine, fresh example of this luxurious book, which covers the Romanovs' dynasty with an impressive array of illustrations. First edition.

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With aristocratic provenance

SCHERER, Jean Benoît

Annales de la Petite-Russie, ou histoire des Cosaques de l'Ukraine, ou de la Petite-Russie, depuis leur origine jusqu'à nos jours; suivie d'un abrégé de l'Histoire des Hettmans des Cosaques

With aristocratic provenance
SCHERER, Jean Benoît. Annales de la Petite-Russie, ou histoire des Cosaques de l'Ukraine, ou de la Petite-Russie, depuis leur origine jusqu'à nos jours; suivie d'un abrégé de l'Histoire des Hettmans des Cosaques.
Published/created in: 1788


First edition of a significant work on Ukraine and its famous Cossacks - but not only, covering also many other aspects of the country's history and geography. A lovely copy, in a nicely decorated binding.

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With great provenance in interesting binding


Systema historico-chronologicum, Ecclesiarum Slavonicarum pre provincias varias, Praecipue, Poloniae, Bohemiae, Lituaniae, Russiae, Prussiae, Moraviae, &c..

With great provenance in interesting binding
[WEGIERSKI, Andrzej, also WENGIERSKI] Adrianus REGENVOLSCIUS. Systema historico-chronologicum, Ecclesiarum Slavonicarum pre provincias varias, Praecipue, Poloniae, Bohemiae, Lituaniae, Russiae, Prussiae, Moraviae, &c...
Published/created in: 1652


Uncommon history of Polish Calvinists in Central and Eastern Europe, written in the 17th century. A very good copy of the first edition, from the Macclesfied library, with unusually abundant lettering to the spine.

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