"The most popular edition [...] by the outstanding Ukrainian artist" (Lebedeva)


Eneida [Aeneid]

KOTLIAREVSKII, Ivan, Anatolii BAZYLEVYCH (artist), Eneida

"The father of modern Ukrainian literature" in a very visual interpretation during Soviet times, by an important Ukrainian artist. Very rare in the West.

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Probably the first such work on the subject in Russia and the USSR

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich

Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia [Sexual Disorders in Men: Sexual Impotence, Male Infertility, Sexual Perversions]

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich, Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia

Very rare first edition of this study covering many aspects, with few taboos and much nuance - a surprisingly complete, scholarly and cultured work on the subject. Of great rarity: no other copy traced.

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Celebrated poetical tamizdat


Rekviem [Requiem]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, Rekviem

First edition of one of Akhmatova's greatest works.. An important tamizdat of one of the best Russian poets; one of 500 copies only.

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First edition of one of the greatest Russian novels


Master i Margarita [Master and Margarita]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Master i Margarita

Pleasant example, in the original wrappers, of the first edition of this amazing novel, one of the best ever written in Russia. Banned in Soviet Union.

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First appearance of new poems


Anno Domini

AKHMATOVA, Anna, Anno Domini

Akhmatova's poetry during the Civil War, here in the first expanded edition.

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A Black Sea youth


U samogo moria [At the Edge of the Sea]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, U samogo moria

The first edition of this important autobiographical poem by one of the best Russian poets, and a victim of Soviet censorship.

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Ethnic responsibility?

SHULGIN, Vasilii

'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii ['What We Do Not Like About Them...' On the Antisemitism in Russia]

SHULGIN, Vasilii, 'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii

"Political anti-Semitism', to be distinguished from a racial one: first edition of this scarce work, which also gives an account of the situation of the Jews in Russia.

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'Russophobic' Western propaganda during WWII

Protoierei V. DEMIDOV

Russkaia zhizn v krivom zerkale inostrantsev [Russian Life in the Crooked Mirror of Foreigners]

Protoierei V. DEMIDOV, Russkaia zhizn v krivom zerkale inostrantsev

Against Western - but also Soviet - anti-Russian propaganda. By a military priest who first emigrated to Kharbin before the USA.

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The greatest Russian poet and the greatest Soviet dictator...



[PUSHKIN and STALIN], Lukomore

A small leaf containing a funny parody which could send you to a GULAG camp.

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Famine? Which famine?


Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv [The Kremlin's Greatest Crime: the Planned Artificial Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933]

VERBYTSKYI, M, Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv

A striking cover for a striking book: the first extensive study of the 1930s Great Famine in Ukraine. First edition, published in London.

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Colourful satire by Odessans in Paris

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others

Bich. Bitche [Whip]

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others, Bich. Bitche

Complete set of this scarce satirical periodical of the Russophone community in Paris. With a wealth of caricatural drawings and wide-ranging texts.

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Half their wages into alcohol


Chi dodae sili alkogol? [Does Alcohol Give Strength?]

BARSKIY, Y. A, Chi dodae sili alkogol?

Great example of Soviet health propaganda, trying to make Ukrainians more sober. Very rare.

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Dangerous illegal printing in Soviet Ukraine


Istoriia UPA [History of the UPA]

[SHANKOVSKY, Lev], Istoriia UPA

Rare example of a Ukrainian samizdat, focusing on the history of its now famous resistance group.

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The first edition in Russian after the Nobel Prize award


Doktor Zhivago [Doctor Zhivago]

PASTERNAK, Boris, Doktor Zhivago

First printing of the first "legal" Russian edition of this famous Nobel Prize winner. A lovely copy of Pasternak's masterpiece.

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With a poetic inscription and edits by guardian of the poet's legacy

VOLOSHIN, Maksimilian

[Poetry in Samizdat]

VOLOSHIN, Maksimilian, [Poetry in Samizdat]

Lovely collection of Voloshin's poems, inscribed by his widow to a fellow writer.

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Propaganda's beauty

[CHEKHONIN] – EPHROS, Abram and Nikolai PUNIN

S. Chekhonin. A Master of the Soviet Empire Style [and] On the Art of Chekhonin

[CHEKHONIN] - EPHROS, Abram and Nikolai PUNIN, S. Chekhonin. A Master of the Soviet Empire Style [and] On the Art of Chekhonin

Avant-garde and propaganda's early days: the English version of this celebration of one of most striking Russian artists and designers.

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Striking cover drawn by Diego Riviera – and extensive, fascinating content

RIVERA, Diego (artist)

Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

RIVERA, Diego (artist), Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

A superb cover for a richly illustrated and interesting content: the Fortune Magazine issue focusing on the 'Soviet miracle'.

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Illegally home-made and in superbly fresh condition


Sobache Serdtse [Heart of a Dog]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Sobache Serdtse

Bulgakov's short masterpiece here in 'samizdat' version, ie. typed at home illegally - an unusually fresh example.

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