Foreign aristocrats serving in Russia at the start of the 19th c.

OUVAROFF, Count [Sergei Semenovich UVAROV]

Stein and Pozzo di Borgo as portrayed by His Excellency Count Ouvaroff, Minister of Public Instuction in the Russian Empire

OUVAROFF, Count [Sergei Semenovich UVAROV], Stein and Pozzo di Borgo as portrayed by His Excellency Count Ouvaroff, Minister of Public Instuction in the Russian Empire

Interesting historical sketch by and of important statesmen, here inscribed by the translator to Napoleon III. A rare essay.

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Great copy with great provenance


Frantsuzskoi i rossiiskoi slovar. Vocabulaire français et russe

HAMONIÈRE, G, Frantsuzskoi i rossiiskoi slovar. Vocabulaire français et russe

Attractive example of this rare dictionary, finely printed the year of Napoelon's demise, and here with excellent provenance.

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Reforming the laws of the empire

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV]

Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV], Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

A fundamental work at the source of a clarification and homogenisation of the laws of the Russian empire at the turn of the 19th century. An excellent copy of this very rare publication: only one copy traced of this French issue of the first edition (Göttingen).

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Extensive ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA

Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA, Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

Fine copy of this great scholarly work on the population of the Caucasus, richly illustrated. First edition.

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'South to the Great Steppe' - with his wife

ATKINSON, Thomas William

Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

ATKINSON, Thomas William, Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

Pleasant copy of the first edition of this famous, extensive description of Central Asia at the heart of the Great Game.

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Russia in the 16th century Russia - with the three maps

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others

Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others, Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

Important edition gathering Herberstein's famous description of early Russia together with other related works, to give a wide-ranging understanding of Muscovy. With aristocratic provenance, in contemporary binding, and complete with its famous illustrations and maps, including Moscow's first printed plan.

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The Caucasus: topography and languages

[ELLIS, George]

Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

[ELLIS, George], Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

A great work on the Caucasus and its peoples, from Chechnya to Georgia, detailing their customs and, more originally, their languages, next to a large map of the region. First edition, in very good condition.

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Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia


Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

[GASTRONOMY], Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

Extremely rare broadside boasting "the all-best" teas from China available at a merchant's in St. Petersburg. The poster contains much interesting information and is illustrated with many Asian scenes. Very fragile but in very good condition.

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Mapping Russia's history and development for an international audience

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de

Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de, Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

First edition of this impressive wide-ranging work, finely printed by Pluchart in St. Petersburg. A scarce publication, with a wealth of information on the Russian empire up to Pushkin's time.

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Southeastern Europe in a signed full-morocco binding

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de, and Auguste RAFFET (artist)

Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie exécutée en 1837

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de, and Auguste RAFFET (artist), Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie exécutée en 1837

Appealing copy of this classic travel account, here in first edition.

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Dancing stars in more than 30 pochoir plates and attractively bound

BARBIER, George, and Arabella YORKE (artists), Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Francis de MIOMANDRE and Cyril BEAUMONT

Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina [BOUND WITH] The Art of Lydia Lopokova [BOUND WITH] Designs on the Dances of Vaslav Nijinsky

BARBIER, George, and Arabella YORKE (artists), Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Francis de MIOMANDRE and Cyril BEAUMONT, Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina [BOUND WITH] The Art of Lydia Lopokova [BOUND WITH] Designs on the Dances of Vaslav Nijinsky

Scarce gathering of Yorke's beautiful and rare publication and both Barbier's 'albums', all bound at the time in a fine blue calf signed binding - a fine volume indeed.

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As issued

WARNERY, [Charles-Emmanuel] de

Remarques sur le militaire des Turcs et des Russes

WARNERY, [Charles-Emmanuel] de, Remarques sur le militaire des Turcs et des Russes

Excellent example of this detailed account of the forces in presence during the 1768-74 war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

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In signed full contemporary red morocco

ATKINSON, John Augustus (artist)

A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Russians

ATKINSON, John Augustus (artist), A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Russians

One of the most beautiful and impressive British works on Russia, with many great plates in fine colouring. Here unusually bound in a luxury full red morocco gilt signed.

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A censored work - in amazing condition


Beskrifning om Rysslands Belägenhet/ Gräntzor/ Landskaper/ Städer/ Styrelse/ Macht/ Plägseder och andra Beskaffenheter nu för tijden

[WICHSELL, Jöran], Beskrifning om Rysslands Belägenhet/ Gräntzor/ Landskaper/ Städer/ Styrelse/ Macht/ Plägseder och andra Beskaffenheter nu för tijden

An exceptionnal example, uncut, unopened and unbound, of a banned and later destroyed account of Peter the Great's Russia. First edition, rare.

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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From amber mining to sable hunting on ski

BRAND, Johann Arnold von

Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

BRAND, Johann Arnold von, Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

A very rich and overlooked 17th-c. travel account, with quantity of original material on Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Siberia, including music and songs in the vernacular, as well as many engraved plates, especially on amber mining, sable hunting on ski and Easter celebrations in Moscow. A rare Rossica.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Fascinating account of the trade and business in Southern Russia and the Black Sea in the 18th century - with a wealth of details and personal comments. First edition, not common.

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"Die Reise um die Welt ohne Geld"


Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich [On Foot: Crisscrossing the Whole Russian Empire]

POHLIG, Emil, Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich

Unusual extensive manuscript travel account of a German going through Russia and recording his many observations - richly illustrated with a variety of added material. Only partly published in contemporary newspapers.

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