The first Russian book on the UK and its capital, and the start of Russian anglomania

SVININ, Pavel Petrovich

Ezhednevnyia zapiski v Londone [A Daily London Notebook]

SVININ, Pavel Petrovich, Ezhednevnyia zapiski v Londone

Rare first edition of this little book giving the London impressions of a keen Russian observer, just after Napoleon's disastrous Russian campaign. A fascinating read on many various themes. With interesting aristocratic provenance.

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How to write letters about everything

Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar [The Newest Complete Letter-Writing Manual, or General Secretary]

, Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar

A great resource for any Russian writing letters at the beginning of the 19th century: from love letters in verses to business and administrative correspondance, or official letters to the highest-ranked people, everything is included in this rare work. No copy of this edition traced outside Russia.

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Reforming the laws of the empire

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV]

Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV], Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

A fundamental work at the source of a clarification and homogenisation of the laws of the Russian empire at the turn of the 19th century. An excellent copy of this very rare publication: only one copy traced of this French issue of the first edition (Göttingen).

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Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia


Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

[GASTRONOMY], Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

Extremely rare broadside boasting "the all-best" teas from China available at a merchant's in St. Petersburg. The poster contains much interesting information and is illustrated with many Asian scenes. Very fragile but in very good condition.

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La Marseillaise, European operas, and romantic Russian songs

[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich] – TSVETKOV M. and Vasilii KITAEV (artist)

Muzykalnyia stsenki. Popuri [Musical Sketches. Potpourri]

[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich] - TSVETKOV M. and Vasilii KITAEV (artist), Muzykalnyia stsenki. Popuri

An interesting compilation of various international and Russian music, all manuscript, with a lovely watercolour title page and all kept in a refined master binding: a very attractive imperial portfolio made for the Grand Duke. Very rare.

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European cross-cultural publication


Smert Marii Stuart, korolevy Shotlandskoi.. [The Death of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots […]: historical description illustrated with seven prints engraved after English originals […]]

FILIPOVSKII, Efrem, Smert Marii Stuart, korolevy Shotlandskoi..

Complete copy of this bibliographical rarity, a charming book with skilfully engraved plates, and a great witness of cultural exchanges in Europe and Russia in the early 19th century. No copy traced in libraries outside Russia.

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Zionism in lovely art-nouveau wrapper

SAPIR, I[osif] B[erkovich]

Sionizm. Nauchno-populiarnoe izlozhenie sushchnosti i istorii sionisticheskago dvizheniia [Zionism. Scientifico-Popular Study of the Essence and History of the Zionist Movement]

SAPIR, I[osif] B[erkovich], Sionizm. Nauchno-populiarnoe izlozhenie sushchnosti i istorii sionisticheskago dvizheniia

Fine summary of the Zionist question at an important time for the movement. A very good copy of the true first edition.

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Ethnic responsibility?

SHULGIN, Vasilii

'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii ['What We Do Not Like About Them...' On the Antisemitism in Russia]

SHULGIN, Vasilii, 'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii

"Political anti-Semitism', to be distinguished from a racial one: first edition of this scarce work, which also gives an account of the situation of the Jews in Russia.

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Russians in Venice, celebrated with merchants, peoples of the world and bullfighting

FOSSATI, Giorgio and Domenico, [with] Antonio BARATTI

Currus triumphales ad adventum clarissimorum Moschoviae principum Pauli Petrovitz et Mariae Theodorownae conjugis regali orandum spectaculo in Divi Marci venetiarum foro die 22 Januarii anno MDCCLXXXI

FOSSATI, Giorgio and Domenico, [with] Antonio BARATTI, Currus triumphales ad adventum clarissimorum Moschoviae principum Pauli Petrovitz et Mariae Theodorownae conjugis regali orandum spectaculo in Divi Marci venetiarum foro die 22 Januarii anno MDCCLXXXI

Fine and scarce Italian "livre de fêtes" with beautiful contemporary colour - with an added suite of prints related to the same event, the Venitian reception of the future Tsar of Russia.

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Striking 'lubki' in great condition

SITINE [Ivan SYTIN] (publisher)

Images et dessins populaires russes jusqu'a 1860 [Title on cover]

SITINE [Ivan SYTIN] (publisher), Images et dessins populaires russes jusqu'a 1860 [Title on cover]

Some great imagery in a rare volume of 85 plates - mostly military but only, with many themes strikingly depicted. A rare item of Russian folk art, here in fine condition.

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With a fine original watercolour

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN]

Boris Godounov

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN], Boris Godounov

One of the great productions of the Parisian Russian artists - this one from the "tirage de tête" on Japon with a watercolour by Zworykine.

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Striking cover drawn by Diego Riviera – and extensive, fascinating content

RIVERA, Diego (artist)

Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

RIVERA, Diego (artist), Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

A superb cover for a richly illustrated and interesting content: the Fortune Magazine issue focusing on the 'Soviet miracle'.

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Lovely piece of binding art from Odessa


Presentation portfolio

[ODESSA - BINDING], Presentation portfolio

Odessa's Chief Prosecutor receives a fine leather portfolio with silver plaque - with the original documents preserved.

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Celebrating progress in Russia's legal system

KONI, Anataolii Fedorovich

Otsy i deti sudebnoi reformy. K piatidesiatiletiiu Sudebnykh ustavov. 1864-1914 [Fathers and Children of the Judicial Reform]

KONI, Anataolii Fedorovich, Otsy i deti sudebnoi reformy. K piatidesiatiletiiu Sudebnykh ustavov. 1864-1914

Fine example of this celebratory work, in the pleasant publisher's binding.

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British aquatints of the Rhine for South Americans

[GERNING] – SCHÜTZ, Christian Georg (artist) and Jose Joaquin MORA

Viage pintoresco por las orillas del Rin, desde Maguncia hasta colonia

[GERNING] - SCHÜTZ, Christian Georg (artist) and Jose Joaquin MORA, Viage pintoresco por las orillas del Rin, desde Maguncia hasta colonia

Exceptionally rare edition in Spanish of one of the most successful illustrated books of the time, specifically conceived for the South American market. A beautiful copy.

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Manuscript history in your pocket


Tablettes chronologiques de la Monarchie de Russie

[BARRIÉRA], Tablettes chronologiques de la Monarchie de Russie

A lovely manuscript booklet finely bound, showing all important events of Russia's history up to 1784 - very unusual, attractive and informative, possibly connected to Tsar Nicholas I.

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American methods for Russian libraries

PLUMMER, Mary Wright and Sergei I. POVARNIN (translator)

Rukovodstvo dlia nebol'shikh bibliotek. Perevod s 3 izdania, s ob"iasneniiami i dopolneniiami [Hints to Small Libraries. Translated from the third edition, with explanations and additions by the translator]


PLUMMER, Mary Wright and Sergei I. POVARNIN (translator), Rukovodstvo dlia nebol'shikh bibliotek. Perevod s 3 izdania, s ob"iasneniiami i dopolneniiami

Unusual Russian guidebooks for libraries, translated from the American work of a prominent female librarian. Fine example of the first edition, very rare: no copy traced outside Russia.

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The Blind Traveller - in cloth


A Voyage Round the World, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc. etc., from 1827 to 1832

HOLMAN, James, A Voyage Round the World, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc. etc., from 1827 to 1832

The first circumnavigation by a blind person: first edition, illustrated with more than 20 plates, and very rare in the original cloth.

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