Art-deco elegance at its best

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU

Vaslav Nijinsky

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU, Vaslav Nijinsky

Excellent example of this classic celebration of the star of Diaghilev's Ballets russes. First edition.

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La Marseillaise, European operas, and romantic Russian songs

[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich] – TSVETKOV M. and Vasilii KITAEV (artist)

Muzykalnyia stsenki. Popuri [Musical Sketches. Potpourri]

[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich] - TSVETKOV M. and Vasilii KITAEV (artist), Muzykalnyia stsenki. Popuri

An interesting compilation of various international and Russian music, all manuscript, with a lovely watercolour title page and all kept in a refined master binding: a very attractive imperial portfolio made for the Grand Duke. Very rare.

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Dancing stars in more than 30 pochoir plates and attractively bound

BARBIER, George, and Arabella YORKE (artists), Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Francis de MIOMANDRE and Cyril BEAUMONT

Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina [BOUND WITH] The Art of Lydia Lopokova [BOUND WITH] Designs on the Dances of Vaslav Nijinsky

BARBIER, George, and Arabella YORKE (artists), Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Francis de MIOMANDRE and Cyril BEAUMONT, Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina [BOUND WITH] The Art of Lydia Lopokova [BOUND WITH] Designs on the Dances of Vaslav Nijinsky

Scarce gathering of Yorke's beautiful and rare publication and both Barbier's 'albums', all bound at the time in a fine blue calf signed binding - a fine volume indeed.

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Siberian singing

PROTASOV, Nikolai Petrovich

20 narodnykh pesen Sibiri dlia odnogo golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano [20 Siberian Folk-Songs for Solo Voice with Piano Accompaniment]

PROTASOV, Nikolai Petrovich, 20 narodnykh pesen Sibiri dlia odnogo golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano

Rare etnographic musical work, a record of popular songs from Siberia, with the attractively decorated wrapper. First edition.

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Charming ballet costumes in postcards


Feia kukol [La Fée des poupées]

BAKST, Leon, Feia kukol

A complete set of these lovely postcards showing ballet costumes by the master of the genre, who would later be central to Diaghilev's 'Ballets Russes'.

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In the lovely art-nouveau wrappers


Vishnevyi Sad [Cherry Orchard]

CHEKHOV, Anton, Vishnevyi Sad

Uncommon edition of Chekhov's masterpiece, with only the publisher's wrappers different from the first edition. A pleasant example.

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Avant-garde theatre in pre-revolutionary Russia

[EVREINOV, Nikolai] – KAMENSKII, Vasilii Vasilievich

Kniga o Evreinove [A Book About Evreinov]

[EVREINOV, Nikolai] - KAMENSKII, Vasilii Vasilievich, Kniga o Evreinove

Avant-garde theatre - including Wilde and Beardsley - through the eyes of an avant-garde poet, artist and aviator. Published the year of the Revolution, by an important theatre woman.

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Copy Number 1


Bakst: the Story of the Artist's Life

[BAKST] - LEVINSON, André, Bakst: the Story of the Artist's Life

The most celebrated artist of the Ballets Russes, celebrated here in this beautiful production - of which it is the copy num. 1 out of only 315 printed for the UK.

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Chekhov's innovative director

STANISLAVSKII, Konstantin Sergeevich

Cabinet photograph signed to Andrei Pavlovich Petrovskii

STANISLAVSKII, Konstantin Sergeevich, Cabinet photograph signed to Andrei Pavlovich Petrovskii

Excellent photograph of the famous director, beautifully inscribed to a fellow man of theatre.

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"For adults" as printed on the title page


Vlast Tmy [The Power of Darkness]

TOLSTOY, Lev, Vlast Tmy

Tolstoy the playwright, with a play forbidden for the stage during some years. A fresh example of the first edition.

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Beautiful copy in its striking binding


L'Art décoratif de Léon Bakst

[BAKST] - ALEXANDRE, Arsène and Jean COCTEAU, L'Art décoratif de Léon Bakst

The earliest, largest and most impressive work on Bakst's striking art. A fine, fresh example, in its great art-déco binding.

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Very clean, in the publisher's slipcase


The Designs of Léon Bakst for the Sleeping Princess

[BAKST] - LEVINSON, André, The Designs of Léon Bakst for the Sleeping Princess

One of the great books on Bakst' talent - the only one devoted to a specific ballet. A copy remarkable for its cleanliness, especially of the fragile original binding.

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Glitter, colours and traditions


Collection of Costume Designs for Opera and Ballet

[OPERA COSTUMES IN UKRAINE AND AZERBAIJAN], Collection of Costume Designs for Opera and Ballet

From Ukraine to Azerbaijan: a rich and unusual group of watercolour costumes for various operas given in theatres of these countries.

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Tolstoy the playwright


Pervyi vinokur ili kak chertenok kraiushku zasluzhil. Komediia [The First Distiller, or How the Little Devil Earned his Crust. A Comedy]

TOLSTOY, Lev, Pervyi vinokur ili kak chertenok kraiushku zasluzhil. Komediia

First edition of Tolstoy's successful play on wine and some of its effects... Lovely example in wrappers. Scarce.

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Tolstoy's answer to Chekhov - unopened

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich [TOLSTOI]

Zhivoi trup. Drama v 6 deistviyakh i 12 kartinakh [A Living Corpse. A drama in 6 acts and 12 scenes]

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich [TOLSTOI], Zhivoi trup. Drama v 6 deistviyakh i 12 kartinakh

First separate edition of Tolstoy's play, a large-format quality production, with illustrations. A lovely example, unopened in the charming art-nouveau wrappers.

Tolstoy wrote in his diary, "that in A Living Corpse there are notes inspired by Chekhov's work. Such is the secret of artistic creativeness".

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Diaghilev collecting debts


Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

DIAGHILEV, Serge, Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

Very good autograph letter by Diaghilev, the celebrated founder of the Ballets Russes. With his bold signature, which is rarely found.

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Inscribed to Proust's Russian-born friend

BARBIER, George (artist) and Jean-Louis VAUDOYER

Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina

BARBIER, George (artist) and Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina

A classic Ballets-Russes work inscribed to a Russian-born Parisian lady, while she was helping Proust publishing the beginning of his 'Recherche': a fine example of the first edition of this famous work.

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Hamlet in war time

SHAKESPEARE, William, and Boris PASTERNAK (translator)

Gamlet. Prints Datskii. Tragediia [The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark]

SHAKESPEARE, William, and Boris PASTERNAK (translator), Gamlet. Prints Datskii. Tragediia

First separate edition of Shakespeare's famous tragedy in Pasternak's fine translation. A pleasant example of this scarce edition.

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