The very rare first edition

MANDELSHTAM, Osip Emilevich



Publication: Akme, Skt Peterburg, 1913.

MANDELSHTAM, Osip Emilevich, Kamen

First edition of the first book by one of Russia’s greatest 20th-century poets. A very good example of this rare edition.

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First edition of the first book by one of Russia’s greatest 20th-century poets.

The thin book is in itself a symbol of the pre-revolutionary Russia, with poetry lines printed in the pre-revolutionary alphabet, with ѣ, i, and ъ (letters that would be abolished by the Bolsheviks), seemingly traditional, yet brewing with premonition of something cosmic and tragic. Commenting on the centenary of ‘Kamen’ in 2013, the famous Russian poet and critic Mikhail Aizenberg described the collection as ‘poetry of the future’ – the future that keeps moving further away from us as the time rolls on. Mandelshtam was not a futurist poet, like Kruchenyh or Burlyuk: he cherished traditional beauty of words and syntax, referring in ‘Kamen’ to gods of classical myths (Orpheus, Aphrodite). However, the sense of the unknown, mysterious future is important to him, as it gives a certain poignancy to the fleeting, disappearing present.

Two of the poems in ‘Kamen’ – ‘Dykhanie’, or ‘Breathing’, and ‘Nevyrazimaia pechal’, or ‘Inexpressible Sorrow’ – Mandelshtam wrote in 1909, when he was 18. They contain early examples of Mandelshtam’s love for tangible imagery – the feature that united him with other Acmeist poets. Acmeism, or the Guild of Poets, was a poetic school established in 1912 in Russia by Nikolai Gumilev and Sergei Gorodetskii. The Acmeists, who also included Akhmatova and Ivanov, used language to help the reader feel the texture, the painful beauty of everyday objects: in ‘Kamen’, crystal becomes liquid, the autumn twilight cuts ‘like a piece of rusty iron’, stone is transformed into lace and webs. Someone has taken bells out of the bell tower covered in mist (‘s kolokolni otumanennoi kto-to snial kolokola’) – Mandelstam’s book seems to be prophesying the approaching spiritual tragedy of the nation.

Presenting a copy of ‘Kamen’ to Akhmatova, Mandelshtam wrote a humble definition of his own poems: ‘flashes of perception from the days of unconsciousness’ (‘vspyshki soznaniia v bespamiatstve dnei’). His contemporaries and later critics gave the poet his due: ‘glorified author of “Kamen”‘, famous now across all Russia’ (Irina Odoevtseva); ‘brilliant’ (Georgii Adamovich); ‘blinding’ and ‘passionate’ (Akhmatova); ‘a complex, refracted, highly self-conscious portrait of the artist in search of a self, a language, and a society that will facilitate his plans for an encompassing world culture’ (Clare Cavanagh, Osip Mandelstam and the Modernist Creation of Tradition, Princeton University Press, 1994). ‘Kamen’ was the first step in the heroic road that led Mandelshtam to his famous satire on Stalin, the daring poem that resulted in his arrest and death in 1938.

“Mandelshtam was one of those rare poets who needed no apprenticeship. The few poems left from his teenage years are all superb. His first book of verse, Stone, reveals a mature poet.” (Terras) The book was published when he was 22.


Terras 439; not in Kilgour (which only shows the 1922 Petropolis of ‘Tristia’; but a copy in Harvard).

Item number



Physical Description

Octavo (210 x 139mm). Title and 33 pp.


Original publisher’s green wrappers printed in black, repeating the design of the title page. Kept in a recent, elegant morocco-backed slipcase made of very thin stone.


Light fading overall, light occasional staining and rubbing, overall in appealing condition considering the fragility of book and its scarcity.

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