Pushkin's Russia in figures


Rossiiskaia statistika [Statistics of Russia]

ZIABLOVSKII, Evdokim, Rossiiskaia statistika

Fascinating read about Russia under Tsar Alexander I, the Russia which saw Napoleon, Krylov, Griboedov, Pushkin... Atrractive example of the first edition, with a wealth of information on all themes. Very rare in the West.

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One of the most famous and enduring conspiracy theories

[GORCHAKOV, M.K., Prince (publisher)]

Sionskie protokoly [The Protocols of Zion]

[GORCHAKOV, M.K., Prince (publisher)], Sionskie protokoly

Paris edition of these famous 'protocols', here with its cover showing a "forbidden" photography of the "Jewish government in Russia", with Trotsky and Sverdlov in the front row.

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'South to the Great Steppe' - with his wife

ATKINSON, Thomas William

Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

ATKINSON, Thomas William, Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

Pleasant copy of the first edition of this famous, extensive description of Central Asia at the heart of the Great Game.

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Extensive, scholarly, and with Imeretian dialect

BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune)

Eléments de la langue géorgienne

BROSSET, Marie-Félicité (Jeune), Eléments de la langue géorgienne

Very attractive copy of this significant grammar of the Georgian language, the third such grammar to appear in the West. First edition, complete with its two folding plates, finely produced by the French State press. Uncommon.

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Russia in the 16th century Russia - with the three maps

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others

Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others, Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

Important edition gathering Herberstein's famous description of early Russia together with other related works, to give a wide-ranging understanding of Muscovy. With aristocratic provenance, in contemporary binding, and complete with its famous illustrations and maps, including Moscow's first printed plan.

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Impressive manuscript confirmation of nobility

RYNKIEWICZ, Efim and family

Certification of 'szlachta' (nobility) status for the family

RYNKIEWICZ, Efim and family, Certification of 'szlachta' (nobility) status for the family

Striking official documents in manuscript, related to the Rynkiewicz family and its nobility status, in Polish and Russian with fresh watercolour illustrations. A fine item of heraldry, very well preserved its red-morocco binding and large brass seal: rare so.

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The Caucasus: topography and languages

[ELLIS, George]

Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

[ELLIS, George], Memoir of a Map of the Countries Comprehended Between the Black Sea and the Caspian; with an Account of the Caucasian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages

A great work on the Caucasus and its peoples, from Chechnya to Georgia, detailing their customs and, more originally, their languages, next to a large map of the region. First edition, in very good condition.

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A luxurious gift to the local church

[BIBLE, Slavonic] –

Evangelie Iisusa Khrista [Gospels of Jesus Christ]

[BIBLE, Slavonic] -, Evangelie Iisusa Khrista

Large-format Moscow-printed Gospels in an impressive binding, very well preserved and probably from Ukraine/Western Russia. The binding is especially remarkable for its intricate design on both covers, its detailed contemporary provenance, and its appealing condition.

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Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia


Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

[GASTRONOMY], Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

Extremely rare broadside boasting "the all-best" teas from China available at a merchant's in St. Petersburg. The poster contains much interesting information and is illustrated with many Asian scenes. Very fragile but in very good condition.

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A "bright brute [with an] elaborate and rapturous composition" (Nabokov) - in the original wrappers

SIRIN, V. [pseud. for Vladimir NABOKOV]

Korol, Dama, Valet [King, Queen, Knave]

SIRIN, V. [pseud. for Vladimir NABOKOV], Korol, Dama, Valet

Early Nabokov: a pleasant example of the novel's first edition.

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Ukraine's ancient history and culture


Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre [Antiquities of the Dnipro Region]

KHANENKO, Bogdan, Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre

Major study of ancient artefacts found in central Ukraine and down to the Black Sea. An impressive production, both scientific and beautiful, and very rare complete of all issues.

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Yalta's bay on a 1.5m panorama

MITKIN, Mikhail

Obshchii vid Ialty [General View of Yalta]

MITKIN, Mikhail, Obshchii vid Ialty

Fine and scarce photographic view of the famous Crimean coastal town. In an attractive binding of the time.

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Mapping Russia's history and development for an international audience

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de

Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de, Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

First edition of this impressive wide-ranging work, finely printed by Pluchart in St. Petersburg. A scarce publication, with a wealth of information on the Russian empire up to Pushkin's time.

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Discovering remote Siberia


Dnevnik ekspeditsii [...] po rekam Nizhnei Tunguske, Oleneku i Lene v 1873-75 godakh [Diary of the Expedition [...] undertaken in 1873-75 along the rivers Nizhniaia Tunguska, Olenek and Lena]

CHEKANOVSKII, Aleksandr, Dnevnik ekspeditsii [...] po rekam Nizhnei Tunguske, Oleneku i Lene v 1873-75 godakh

First edition of this rare account of exploring expeditions in central and northern Siberia. With map and illustrations.

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Faith in your pocket

[BIBLE, Russian]

Gospada Nashego Iiususa Khrista Sviatoe Evangelie ot Matfeia/Marka/Luki/Ioanna [Our Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Gospel of Matthew/Mark/Luke/John]

[BIBLE, Russian], Gospada Nashego Iiususa Khrista Sviatoe Evangelie ot Matfeia/Marka/Luki/Ioanna

Appealing set of this first miniature edition of the Gospels in Russian, a typographic feat as the text is perfectly readable. Bound in full morocco and in excellent condition, from Vera Tishchenko's collection - a fine collector's provenance. Scarce outside Russia.

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First edition of one of the greatest Russian novels


Master i Margarita [Master and Margarita]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Master i Margarita

Pleasant example, in the original wrappers, of the first edition of this amazing novel, one of the best ever written in Russia. Banned in Soviet Union.

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"Three, seven, ace!"

PUSHKIN, Alexander and Alexandre BENOIS (artist)

Pikovaia Dama [Queen of Spades]

PUSHKIN, Alexander and Alexandre BENOIS (artist), Pikovaia Dama

A novella masterpiece of Russian literature here in a celebrated edition finely illustrated and beautifully produced.

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Art-deco elegance at its best

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU

Vaslav Nijinsky

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU, Vaslav Nijinsky

Excellent example of this classic celebration of the star of Diaghilev's Ballets russes. First edition.

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