Ethnic responsibility?

SHULGIN, Vasilii

'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii ['What We Do Not Like About Them...' On the Antisemitism in Russia]

SHULGIN, Vasilii, 'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii

"Political anti-Semitism', to be distinguished from a racial one: first edition of this scarce work, which also gives an account of the situation of the Jews in Russia.

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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No other copy traced


Khudozhestvennaia galereia P. i S. Tretiakovykh [The Art Gallery of P. and S. Tretyakov]

[RUSSIAN ART] -, Khudozhestvennaia galereia P. i S. Tretiakovykh

Fine, high-quality production showing some of the most famous Russian paintings. An extremely rare Geneva publication.

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Charming ballet costumes in postcards


Feia kukol [La Fée des poupées]

BAKST, Leon, Feia kukol

A complete set of these lovely postcards showing ballet costumes by the master of the genre, who would later be central to Diaghilev's 'Ballets Russes'.

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From amber mining to sable hunting on ski

BRAND, Johann Arnold von

Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

BRAND, Johann Arnold von, Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

A very rich and overlooked 17th-c. travel account, with quantity of original material on Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Siberia, including music and songs in the vernacular, as well as many engraved plates, especially on amber mining, sable hunting on ski and Easter celebrations in Moscow. A rare Rossica.

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Peter's early days: a scarce, illustrated edition


Polnoe opisanie deianii ego velichestva gosudaria imperatora Petra Velikago [A Complete Description of the Deeds of Peter the Great]

TUMANSKII, Fedor, Polnoe opisanie deianii ego velichestva gosudaria imperatora Petra Velikago

An early Russian biography of Peter the Great, illustrated and noted for its rarity. Pleasant example in contemporary binding.

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'Russophobic' Western propaganda during WWII

Protoierei V. DEMIDOV

Russkaia zhizn v krivom zerkale inostrantsev [Russian Life in the Crooked Mirror of Foreigners]

Protoierei V. DEMIDOV, Russkaia zhizn v krivom zerkale inostrantsev

Against Western - but also Soviet - anti-Russian propaganda. By a military priest who first emigrated to Kharbin before the USA.

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The greatest Russian poet and the greatest Soviet dictator...



[PUSHKIN and STALIN], Lukomore

A small leaf containing a funny parody which could send you to a GULAG camp.

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Famine? Which famine?


Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv [The Kremlin's Greatest Crime: the Planned Artificial Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933]

VERBYTSKYI, M, Naibilshyi zlochyn Kremlia: zaplianovanyi shtuchnyi holod v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv

A striking cover for a striking book: the first extensive study of the 1930s Great Famine in Ukraine. First edition, published in London.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Fascinating account of the trade and business in Southern Russia and the Black Sea in the 18th century - with a wealth of details and personal comments. First edition, not common.

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Colourful satire by Odessans in Paris

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others

Bich. Bitche [Whip]

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others, Bich. Bitche

Complete set of this scarce satirical periodical of the Russophone community in Paris. With a wealth of caricatural drawings and wide-ranging texts.

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Mekhitar of Sebaste arrives in Venice


Mec Alpert; tʹargmaneceal ʹi vałnǰoucʹ žamanakacʹ, ʹi mecamecacʹ vardapetacʹ merocʹ, ʹi Latʹin lezuē ʹi Hay barbaṙ: Ew nardenis ʹi luys acecʹeal, ew srbagreʹceal.. [Compendium of Theology of St. Albert the Great]

ALBERT THE GREAT and Mekhitar SEBASTATSI (editor), Mec Alpert; tʹargmaneceal ʹi vałnǰoucʹ žamanakacʹ, ʹi mecamecacʹ vardapetacʹ merocʹ, ʹi Latʹin lezuē ʹi Hay barbaṙ: Ew nardenis ʹi luys acecʹeal, ew srbagreʹceal..

A very important edition symbolically: the first book printed by Mekhitar in Venice. A fine copy of this rare work - no copy traced in the USA.

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Who's who of one of Russia's main business centres


Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte [Address Book of Saint Petersburg Exchange Merchants, Brokers and Inspectors at the Saint Petersburg Port]

[SAINT-PETERSBURG] –, Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte

Fine example, in the original boards, of this very rare inventory of the main business actors in Saint Petersburg, the Russian capital, under Tsar Alexander II. No other copy traced outside Russia.

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The 'Russian oligarchs' of yesterday


Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii [Remarkable Wealths of Private Individuals in Russia]

KARNOVICH, Evgenii, Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii

Fresh example of this extensive, high-quality, and very unusual study of private wealth in tsarist Russia. A fascinating and very informative read, curiously authorised by the censors.

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Partially unopened, in the publisher's boards

TSVETAEVA, Marina Ivanovna

Razluka [Separation]

TSVETAEVA, Marina Ivanovna, Razluka

An attractive example of this fragile production, Tsvetaeva's first poetry collection published abroad. First edition.

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Half their wages into alcohol


Chi dodae sili alkogol? [Does Alcohol Give Strength?]

BARSKIY, Y. A, Chi dodae sili alkogol?

Great example of Soviet health propaganda, trying to make Ukrainians more sober. Very rare.

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Dangerous illegal printing in Soviet Ukraine


Istoriia UPA [History of the UPA]

[SHANKOVSKY, Lev], Istoriia UPA

Rare example of a Ukrainian samizdat, focusing on the history of its now famous resistance group.

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A noted military theorist in Argentina


Izbrannye stati i rechi [Selected Articles and Speeches]

KHOLMSTON-SMYSLOVSKII, [Boris], Izbrannye stati i rechi

A volume of essays by a Russian anti-communist general, published in South America, where he advised the Argentinian president.

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