One of the most famous and enduring conspiracy theories

[GORCHAKOV, M.K., Prince (publisher)]

Sionskie protokoly [The Protocols of Zion]

[GORCHAKOV, M.K., Prince (publisher)], Sionskie protokoly

Paris edition of these famous 'protocols', here with its cover showing a "forbidden" photography of the "Jewish government in Russia", with Trotsky and Sverdlov in the front row.

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First edition of one of the greatest Russian novels


Master i Margarita [Master and Margarita]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Master i Margarita

Pleasant example, in the original wrappers, of the first edition of this amazing novel, one of the best ever written in Russia. Banned in Soviet Union.

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Women's emancipation, Lenin's reshaping, and "the emotional dynamic" of the Russian revolution


Chto delat? Iz rasskazov o novykh liudiakh [What Is to Be Done? Tales of New People]

CHERNYSHEVSKII, Nikolai, Chto delat? Iz rasskazov o novykh liudiakh

First book edition of this groundbreaking novel, a cornerstone of Russian literature and, by its influence, political thought. A pleasant example in contemporary binding. Very rare.

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Ethnic responsibility?

SHULGIN, Vasilii

'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii ['What We Do Not Like About Them...' On the Antisemitism in Russia]

SHULGIN, Vasilii, 'Chto nam v nikh ne nravitsia...' Ob Antisemitizme v Rossii

"Political anti-Semitism', to be distinguished from a racial one: first edition of this scarce work, which also gives an account of the situation of the Jews in Russia.

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Colourful satire by Odessans in Paris

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others

Bich. Bitche [Whip]

LINSKII, Mikhail, Mikhail DRIZO (pseud. MAD), Arkadii AVERCHENKO and others, Bich. Bitche

Complete set of this scarce satirical periodical of the Russophone community in Paris. With a wealth of caricatural drawings and wide-ranging texts.

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The first edition in Russian after the Nobel Prize award


Doktor Zhivago [Doctor Zhivago]

PASTERNAK, Boris, Doktor Zhivago

First printing of the first "legal" Russian edition of this famous Nobel Prize winner. A lovely copy of Pasternak's masterpiece.

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Striking cover drawn by Diego Riviera – and extensive, fascinating content

RIVERA, Diego (artist)

Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

RIVERA, Diego (artist), Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

A superb cover for a richly illustrated and interesting content: the Fortune Magazine issue focusing on the 'Soviet miracle'.

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Illegally home-made and in superbly fresh condition


Sobache Serdtse [Heart of a Dog]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Sobache Serdtse

Bulgakov's short masterpiece here in 'samizdat' version, ie. typed at home illegally - an unusually fresh example.

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Rare and richly illustrated


Ego Imperatorskoe Vysochestvo Velikii Kniaz Sergei Mikhailovich, General Inspektor Russkoi Artillerii, Sbornik Vospominanii o Ego Zhizni i Rabote i o Razvitii Artlilerii v ego Vremia [His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, Inspector-General of Russian Artillery. Collection of Reminiscences About His Life and Work, And About the Development of Artillery during His Lifetime]

LASHKOV, S.I, Ego Imperatorskoe Vysochestvo Velikii Kniaz Sergei Mikhailovich, General Inspektor Russkoi Artillerii, Sbornik Vospominanii o Ego Zhizni i Rabote i o Razvitii Artlilerii v ego Vremia

Scarce émigré work commemorating a prominent member of the Romanov family, active during WWI and shot by the Bolsheviks; first edition, published in Yugoslavia (now Serbia).

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The new concept of 'hybrid warfare'

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii]

Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial [The Worldwide Subversion-War]

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii], Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial

The Cold War and the 1960s analysed by a military theorist. A fine example of the first edition.

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One of the famous covers of the Avant-Garde


Lenin. Risunki Natana Altmana [Lenin. Sketches by Natan Altman]

ALTMAN, Natan, Lenin. Risunki Natana Altmana

A pleasant example of this work, with its famous avant-garde cover design by Altman.

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U-u-u-u-u-u... in first edition


Sobache serdtse [Heart of a Dog]

BULGAKOV, Mikhail, Sobache serdtse

Uncommon first book edition in Russian of Bulgakov's suppressed satirical masterpiece. A lovely copy in its original wrappers by Annenkov.

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Lenin's first significant work

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV]

Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti [The Development of Capitalism in Russia. The Process of Formation of a Home Market for Large-Scale Industry]

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV], Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti

First edition of Lenin's first substantial work, and one of his first two books published in 1899. A landmark economic analysis.

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In lovely condition


Na putiakh k dvortsovomu perevorotu (zagovory pered revoliutsii 1917 goda) [On the Paths Towards a Palace Coup (plots ahead of the 1917 Revolution)]

MELGUNOV, Sergei, Na putiakh k dvortsovomu perevorotu (zagovory pered revoliutsii 1917 goda)

Rather objective historical analysis of the Russian political plots around Tsar Nicholas II before the revolution. A fine example of the first edition.

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Large political caricatures of a troubled year

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist)

Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni [Heroes of Troubled Times]

BELZEN, Ia. Ia. (artist), Geroi Smutnogo Vremeni

Very rare album of full-page satirical illustrations of the situation in Russia during the turbulent years of the Civil War. Published in Berlin in 1921, and particularly remarkbale for its even-handed swipe at all participants in the War. Only three copies traced in Western public institutions.

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Great Akhmatova's memorabilia


Poema bez Geroia. Triptikh. 1940-1962. Leningrad-Tashkent-Moskva [Poem Without a Hero. Triptych. 1940-1962. Leningrad-Tashkent-Moscow]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, Poema bez Geroia. Triptikh. 1940-1962. Leningrad-Tashkent-Moskva

An interesting and very unusual item: a samizdat copy of Akhmatova's masterpiece, bound in the poetess' dress, with a lengthy inscription detailing part of the provenance.

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Getting ready...

BAKHAREV V. [pseud. for Vladimir Petrovich MAKHNOVETS]

Kak derzhat sebia na doprosakh [How to Conduct Oneself During Interrogations]

BAKHAREV V. [pseud. for Vladimir Petrovich MAKHNOVETS], Kak derzhat sebia na doprosakh

A practical handbook for revolutionaries caught by the tsarist authorities - pretty unusual theme and rare on the market. Attractive example of the first edition, with provenance.

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Nabokov the Poet – Home-made and illegal in Russia

NABOKOV, Vladimir

Stikhi [Poetry]

NABOKOV, Vladimir, Stikhi [Poetry]

Some of Nabokov's most scandalous poems, of course banned in Soviet Union and here in an illegal "edition" home-made in Brezhnev's USSR. Very rare.

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