Extensive ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA

Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

ZICHY, Eugene [Jenő], Dr. Jean [Janos] JANKO and Dr. Bela POSTA, Kaukaìzuri eìs Közeìpaìzsiai utazaìsai. Voyages au Caucase et en Asie Centrale : La Migration de la race Hongroise [et] La Description des collections

Fine copy of this great scholarly work on the population of the Caucasus, richly illustrated. First edition.

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'South to the Great Steppe' - with his wife

ATKINSON, Thomas William

Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

ATKINSON, Thomas William, Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

Pleasant copy of the first edition of this famous, extensive description of Central Asia at the heart of the Great Game.

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By the "Herodot of Kazakh steppes"

LEVCHINE, Alexis de [Aleksei Iraklevich LEVSHIN, also LIOVSHIN]

Description des hordes et des steppes des Kirghiz-Kazaks ou Kirghiz-Kaïssaks

LEVCHINE, Alexis de [Aleksei Iraklevich LEVSHIN, also LIOVSHIN], Description des hordes et des steppes des Kirghiz-Kazaks ou Kirghiz-Kaïssaks

The first extensive study of the people of Kazakhstan: first French edition, with the same illustrations as the original Russian edition; including a folding map of the area, which was very rare at the time.

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Which one is higher?

TILLO, Aleksei

Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu [Description of the Aral-Caspian Levelling Conducted in 1874]

TILLO, Aleksei, Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu

Scarce scientific work with detailed maps of the area between the two seas, now in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

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By the first American woman war photojournalist


Meet Some of the Soviet People

BOURKE-WHITE, Margaret, Meet Some of the Soviet People

The variety of peoples of the USSR in fine photographic portraits by a great photographer, possibly the most significant woman photographer of her time.

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Impressive large-format carpets


Kovrovyia izdeliia Srednei Azii. Tapisseries de l'Asie Centrale

BOGOLIUBOV - BOGOLUBOW, Andrei, Kovrovyia izdeliia Srednei Azii. Tapisseries de l'Asie Centrale

The first systematic study of the rugs of Central Asia in a very large, impressive format. A beautiful production of the Russian State Press, here in a full red leather binding.

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The Great Game and Central Asian walnuts

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich

Ot Tashkenta do Gavy [From Tashkent to Gava]

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich, Ot Tashkenta do Gavy

A lovely association copy, inscribed by the author to an important Russain official in Turkestan, of a very rare travel account in the heart of Russian Central Asia. An early Uzbek publication containing fascinating details on the economy of the region, especially in the Fergana valley in the Arslanbob mountains, famous for its important walnut forest.

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Central Asian languages printed and bound in chinese style

HUNTER, George W

Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turkish Text with English Translation

HUNTER, George W, Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turkish Text with English Translation

An unusual book: produced by a Scottish protestant in Western China, printed in mimeography and detailing and translating many Central Asian dialects related to Turkish. First edition of this remarkable item, here in appealing condition.

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Central Asia in beautifully subtle tones

KRAFFT, Hugues

A Travers le Turkestan Russe

KRAFFT, Hugues, A Travers le Turkestan Russe

Remarkable photographic record of nowadays Uzbekistan and neighbouring regions - a beautiful, luxury production, and a fine example, inscribed by the photographer and author.

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With the large map of the Russian Empire

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von

An Historico-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia; but More Particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von, An Historico-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia; but More Particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary

Fine, fresh example of this famous work, with its impressive map but also with important illustrations and a wide-ranging content on Siberia and other Russian regions.

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Small but packed with fascinating content


Desiatiletnee stranstvovanie i prikluchenie v Bukharii, Khive, Persii i Indii, i vozvrashchenie ottuda cherez Angliu v Rossiu [Ten Years of Wanderings and Adventures in Bukhara, Khiva, Persia and India, and the return journey from there through England to Russia]

EFREMOV, Filipp, Desiatiletnee stranstvovanie i prikluchenie v Bukharii, Khive, Persii i Indii, i vozvrashchenie ottuda cherez Angliu v Rossiu

Very rare fiist editoion of this travel to areas "almost completely closed to Europeans" (Vigasin): the first significant Russian publication on Central Asia, "the first geographic exploration of Uzbekistan" (Lebedev) with a detailed description of silk production, and most probably the first printed Russian-Persian vocabulary.

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Presentation copy


Turkestan: etiudy s natury - Etudes d'après nature - Studien nach der Natur

VERESHCHAGIN, Vasilii, Turkestan: etiudy s natury - Etudes d'après nature - Studien nach der Natur

One of the best Russian war artists in Central Asia: a fine example, signed by Vereshchagin and attractively bound, of this rich visual record of nowadays Uzbekistan and the surrounding regions at the height of the Great Game. Uncommon.

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Looking at the past at the start of the Great Game

IAZYKOV, Dmitrii Ivanovich (editor and translator)

Sobranie puteshestvii k tataram i drugim vostochnim narodam, v XIII, XIV i XV stoletiakh [Collection of Travels to the Tartars and Other Eastern Peoples in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries]

IAZYKOV, Dmitrii Ivanovich (editor and translator), Sobranie puteshestvii k tataram i drugim vostochnim narodam, v XIII, XIV i XV stoletiakh

A witness of the Russian interest in the eastern parts of its empire and its neighbours. Includes Carpini's 13th-c. travel account, thought to be the earliest significant Western description of Northern and Central Asia, Rus, and the regions of the Mongol dominion. A fresh example of the rare first edition.

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