How to write letters about everything

Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar [The Newest Complete Letter-Writing Manual, or General Secretary]

, Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar

A great resource for any Russian writing letters at the beginning of the 19th century: from love letters in verses to business and administrative correspondance, or official letters to the highest-ranked people, everything is included in this rare work. No copy of this edition traced outside Russia.

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Pushkin's Russia in figures


Rossiiskaia statistika [Statistics of Russia]

ZIABLOVSKII, Evdokim, Rossiiskaia statistika

Fascinating read about Russia under Tsar Alexander I, the Russia which saw Napoleon, Krylov, Griboedov, Pushkin... Atrractive example of the first edition, with a wealth of information on all themes. Very rare in the West.

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Chinese tea in Pushkin's Russia


Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

[GASTRONOMY], Preis-courant neuerhaltener, ausgesuchter, bester Chinesischer Thee die zu haben sind in den Magazinen der Kaufmanns Gregorius Marinin, in St. Petersburg

Extremely rare broadside boasting "the all-best" teas from China available at a merchant's in St. Petersburg. The poster contains much interesting information and is illustrated with many Asian scenes. Very fragile but in very good condition.

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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From amber mining to sable hunting on ski

BRAND, Johann Arnold von

Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

BRAND, Johann Arnold von, Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

A very rich and overlooked 17th-c. travel account, with quantity of original material on Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Siberia, including music and songs in the vernacular, as well as many engraved plates, especially on amber mining, sable hunting on ski and Easter celebrations in Moscow. A rare Rossica.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Fascinating account of the trade and business in Southern Russia and the Black Sea in the 18th century - with a wealth of details and personal comments. First edition, not common.

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Who's who of one of Russia's main business centres


Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte [Address Book of Saint Petersburg Exchange Merchants, Brokers and Inspectors at the Saint Petersburg Port]

[SAINT-PETERSBURG] –, Adresnaia kniga Sankt-Peterburgskogo birzhevogo kupechestva, birzhevykh maklerov i brakovshchikov pri Sankt-Peterburgskom porte

Fine example, in the original boards, of this very rare inventory of the main business actors in Saint Petersburg, the Russian capital, under Tsar Alexander II. No other copy traced outside Russia.

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The 'Russian oligarchs' of yesterday


Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii [Remarkable Wealths of Private Individuals in Russia]

KARNOVICH, Evgenii, Zamechatelnyia bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii

Fresh example of this extensive, high-quality, and very unusual study of private wealth in tsarist Russia. A fascinating and very informative read, curiously authorised by the censors.

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Striking cover drawn by Diego Riviera – and extensive, fascinating content

RIVERA, Diego (artist)

Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

RIVERA, Diego (artist), Fortune, March 1932, Volume V, Number 3

A superb cover for a richly illustrated and interesting content: the Fortune Magazine issue focusing on the 'Soviet miracle'.

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A fresh example


Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec l'histoire de ses découvertes

[MARBAULT, M. de, also MARBEAU], Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec l'histoire de ses découvertes

Lovely, crisp copy of this classic work on Russian trade, esp. interesting for its description of the North Pacific and Alaska - but also of the Black Sea and Ukraine. With German royal provenance.

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Early days

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL]

Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh [Englishmen in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries]

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL], Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh

A theme rarely researched: the relations between Russia and Great Britain, and here more specifically early English travellers to Russia before Peter the Great. First edition of this scarce study.

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Smoking in Pushkin's Russia

[TOBACCO] – ARTO, Amedei

Obiavlenie [Announcement]

[TOBACCO] - ARTO, Amedei, Obiavlenie

Detailed price list of tobacco products offered in Moscow during Pushkin's time, showing a broad and very international range. A rare, unusual ephemera in excellent, fresh condition.

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Lenin's first significant work

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV]

Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti [The Development of Capitalism in Russia. The Process of Formation of a Home Market for Large-Scale Industry]

[LENIN, pseud.:] Vladimir ILYN [pseud. for Vladimir Ilyich ULIANOV], Razvitie kapitalizma v Rossii. Protsess obrazovaniia vnutrenniago rynka dlia krupnoi promyshlennosti

First edition of Lenin's first substantial work, and one of his first two books published in 1899. A landmark economic analysis.

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The Great Game and Central Asian walnuts

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich

Ot Tashkenta do Gavy [From Tashkent to Gava]

GEIER, Ivan Ivanovich, Ot Tashkenta do Gavy

A lovely association copy, inscribed by the author to an important Russain official in Turkestan, of a very rare travel account in the heart of Russian Central Asia. An early Uzbek publication containing fascinating details on the economy of the region, especially in the Fergana valley in the Arslanbob mountains, famous for its important walnut forest.

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Russian railways before the Transsiberian


Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

HOVYN DE TRANCHÈRE, Jules-Auguste, Statistique des Chemins de Fer Russes au 1 (13) Janvier 1869

Rare statistical book on the Russian Railways, at a relatively early stage of development, complete with its detailed folding map. Printed in St. Petersburg. A lovely example, inscribed by the author.

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Rare illustrations of Ukrainian textile - from an art historian's family


Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo [Ukrainian Folk Art]

[UKRAINE - TEXTILE], Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo

An excellent set of this series on the Ukrainian art of lace and textile decoration, richly illustrated. Very rare, on the market like in libraries. With fine literary and artistic provenance.

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Details of a functioning capital


Sankt-Peterburgskoe gorodskoe obshchestvennoe upravlenie v 1891 godu: Otchety gorodskoi upravy i drugikh gorodskikh uchrezhdenii [St. Petersburg's City Public Administration in 1891. Reports of the City Council and Other City Agencies]

[SAINT-PETERSBURG], Sankt-Peterburgskoe gorodskoe obshchestvennoe upravlenie v 1891 godu: Otchety gorodskoi upravy i drugikh gorodskikh uchrezhdenii

Excellent copy of this extensive report, with many fascinating details on the administration of Saint Petersburg under Tsar Alexander III. Very rarely found outside Russia; and such in an appealing condition.

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Part of Catherine's legislative effort

[CATHERINE THE GREAT] – ARNDT, Christian Gottlieb (translator)

Rußisch-kaiserliche Ordnung der Handels-Schiffahrt auf Flüßen, Seen und Meeren [Russian Imperial Statute of Merchant Shipping on Rivers, Lakes and Seas]

[CATHERINE THE GREAT] - ARNDT, Christian Gottlieb (translator), Rußisch-kaiserliche Ordnung der Handels-Schiffahrt auf Flüßen, Seen und Meeren

First developped legislative corpus for maritime trade and merchant shipping. First edition in German, Catherine's native language, printed in Saint Petersburg.

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