How to write letters about everything

Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar [The Newest Complete Letter-Writing Manual, or General Secretary]

, Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar

A great resource for any Russian writing letters at the beginning of the 19th century: from love letters in verses to business and administrative correspondance, or official letters to the highest-ranked people, everything is included in this rare work. No copy of this edition traced outside Russia.

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French peasants in Russian literature

KOK, Pol de [Charles Paul de KOCK]

Monfermelskaia molochnitsa [La Laitière de Montfermeil]

KOK, Pol de [Charles Paul de KOCK], Monfermelskaia molochnitsa

First Russian edition, rare, in an attractive copy. A great example of cross-cultural literary exchange at the time of some of the best Russian literature.

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Published in Brussels


Tainy masonstva [The Secrets of Freemasonry]

BISSINGER, Edgar, Tainy masonstva

A striking cover design for this first Russian edition of a Nazi pamphlet translated for the Russian fascists.

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European cross-cultural publication


Smert Marii Stuart, korolevy Shotlandskoi.. [The Death of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots […]: historical description illustrated with seven prints engraved after English originals […]]

FILIPOVSKII, Efrem, Smert Marii Stuart, korolevy Shotlandskoi..

Complete copy of this bibliographical rarity, a charming book with skilfully engraved plates, and a great witness of cultural exchanges in Europe and Russia in the early 19th century. No copy traced in libraries outside Russia.

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Dickens' life for Russian readers

[DICKENS] – PLESHCHEEV, Aleksei Nikolaevich

Zhizn Dikkensa [The Life of Dickens]

[DICKENS] - PLESHCHEEV, Aleksei Nikolaevich, Zhizn Dikkensa

Rare first significant biography of the great Victorian author in Russian, written by an active (and politically engaged) man of letters. First book edition. Apparently no copy in Britain, only at the NYPL and in Sidney outside Russia.

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Only allowed to translate

AKHMATOVA, Anna (translator)

Koreiskaia klassicheskaia poeziia [Korean Classical Poetry. Translated by Anna Akhmatova]

AKHMATOVA, Anna (translator), Koreiskaia klassicheskaia poeziia

A fine association copy of this touching work of one of the greatest Russian poets of the 20th century, then only allowed to do translation work. Inscirbed by Akhmatova to her fellow translator.

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An Irish poet fond of Provencal celebrates Romania's independence and publishes it in Plymouth

BONAPARTE-WYSE, William Charles

On Occasion of Roumania Constituting Herself a Kingdom. An Ode. With a French version by Constant Hennion

BONAPARTE-WYSE, William Charles, On Occasion of Roumania Constituting Herself a Kingdom. An Ode. With a French version by Constant Hennion

A fascinating multi-cultural work, from Ireland and the UK to France and Romania - in a fine, large-paper example inscribed by the author, a relative of Napoleon. Very rare.

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With a fine original watercolour

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN]

Boris Godounov

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN], Boris Godounov

One of the great productions of the Parisian Russian artists - this one from the "tirage de tête" on Japon with a watercolour by Zworykine.

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Première édition complète en français

GOGOL, Nicolas

Les Âmes mortes. Traduit du russe par Ernest Charrière

GOGOL, Nicolas, Les Âmes mortes. Traduit du russe par Ernest Charrière

Un des meilleurs romans de la littérature russe traduit en français - un bon exemplaire en chemise d'éditeur de la première édition de cette importante traduction.

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Russian fables for Europe: illustrated and translated

KRYLOV – KRILOFF, Ivan Andreevich

Basni russkiia [...] Fables russes [...] imitées en vers Français et Italiens par divers auteurs

KRYLOV - KRILOFF, Ivan Andreevich, Basni russkiia [...] Fables russes [...] imitées en vers Français et Italiens par divers auteurs

Attractive example of this famous edition of Russia's greatest fabulist, in Russian, French and Italian, with engraved plates. A luxury lifetime production, here particularly fresh.

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The American Civil War for a Russian audience

VIGO ROUSSILLON, Francois-Paul, trans. Stankevich and Vitmer

Voennye sily Severo-Amerikanskikh Shtatov. Voina za nerazdelnost Soiuza (1861 - 1865) [The Military Forces of the North American States. War for the Integrity of the Union 1861-1865]

VIGO ROUSSILLON, Francois-Paul, trans. Stankevich and Vitmer, Voennye sily Severo-Amerikanskikh Shtatov. Voina za nerazdelnost Soiuza (1861 - 1865)

Very rare first book in Russian dealing with the American Civil War, illustrated with large folding maps. Apparently no copy in the USA of this first edition, only one outside Russia (in Rome).

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Translated by a revolutionary woman

LERMONTOV, Mikhail Iurievitch

The Hero of Our Days, from the Russian of Michael Lermontoff, by Theresa Pulszky

LERMONTOV, Mikhail Iurievitch, The Hero of Our Days, from the Russian of Michael Lermontoff, by Theresa Pulszky

Lermontov translated by a friend of Herzen and wife of a Hungarian revolutionary. First edition of this translation.

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Speaking Russian, and not French, after Napoleon's invasion

LANGUEN, Jacques

Petit manuel russe à l'usage des Français. Ouvrage propre à faciliter l'intelligence de la langue russe ; dans lequel les mots russes sont représentés avec leur prononciation figurée en caractères français et prosodiée

LANGUEN, Jacques, Petit manuel russe à l'usage des Français. Ouvrage propre à faciliter l'intelligence de la langue russe ; dans lequel les mots russes sont représentés avec leur prononciation figurée en caractères français et prosodiée

How to get by in St. Petersburg in (phonetic) Russian during Pushkin's time: a great guide for the higher society. Uncommon.

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French enlightenment in Russia


Pisma persidskiia [Lettres persanes] [Persian Letters]

MONTESKE [MONTESQUIEU, Charles Louis de], Pisma persidskiia [Lettres persanes]

Rare first illustrated edition of the 'Lettres persanes' in Russian, in contemporary binding with lovely Russian endpapers.

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A rare example of Russian text of the Enlightenment

[CATHERINE II, the Great]

Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis


[CATHERINE II, the Great], Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis

A lovely example of this famous edition of Catherine's celebrated Great Instructions, much inspired by important European philosophers of the Englightenment.

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Inscribed by the translator, a feminist character

[PUSHKIN] – Alexandre POUCHKINE, Véra STARKOFF (transl.) and Marie EGOROFF (artist)

Rouslane et Ludmile

[PUSHKIN] - Alexandre POUCHKINE, Véra STARKOFF (transl.) and Marie EGOROFF (artist), Rouslane et Ludmile

The first complete poetic French translation of Pushkin's celebrated work. Strikingly illustrated by an original Russian female artist, and this copy inscribed by the translator: a politically-engaged playwright and one of the main figures of the feminist theatre movement in France. Rarely found, and only 500 copies printed.

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Banned Russian edition of a banned English book

FLETCHER, Dzhails [Giles]

O gosudarstve russkom, ili Obraz pravleniia russkago tsaria (obyknovenno nazyvaemago tsarem moskovskim). S opisaniiem nravov i obychaev zhitelei etoi strany [Of the Rvsse Common Wealth: Of the Russian State, or the Manner of Government of the Russian Emperor]

FLETCHER, Dzhails [Giles], O gosudarstve russkom, ili Obraz pravleniia russkago tsaria (obyknovenno nazyvaemago tsarem moskovskim). S opisaniiem nravov i obychaev zhitelei etoi strany

First Russian book edition -banned- of Fletcher's famous -and banned- description of Russia which first appeared in 1591. A very rare edition, printed in Geneva by Russian revolutionaries, in a fine, fresh example.

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Important early book for Russian children - with a sewn translation label

KAMPE [CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich; and Aleksandr Semenovich SHISHKOV, translator]

Detskaia biblioteka, izdannaia na nemetskom iazyke gospodinom Kampe, a s onago perevedena g. *** [Children's library [ie. Kleine Kinderbibliothek], published in German by Mr. Campe, and translated by M. ***].

KAMPE [CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich; and Aleksandr Semenovich SHISHKOV, translator], Detskaia biblioteka, izdannaia na nemetskom iazyke gospodinom Kampe, a s onago perevedena g. ***

More than a translation, an original adaptation, dedicated to Princess Dahskova, the first woman head of an Academy of Sciences and first female member of the American Philosophical Society. A very rare early edition of this important book for Russian children - and a lovely example with a sewn translation label!

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