Probably the first such work on the subject in Russia and the USSR

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich

Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia [Sexual Disorders in Men: Sexual Impotence, Male Infertility, Sexual Perversions]

IAKOBZON, Liudvig Iakovlevich, Polovye rasstroistva u muzhchin: polovoe bessilie, muzhskoe besplodie, polovye izvrashcheniia

Very rare first edition of this study covering many aspects, with few taboos and much nuance - a surprisingly complete, scholarly and cultured work on the subject. Of great rarity: no other copy traced.

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Which one is higher?

TILLO, Aleksei

Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu [Description of the Aral-Caspian Levelling Conducted in 1874]

TILLO, Aleksei, Opisanie Aralo-Kaspiiskoi nivellirovki proizvedennoi v 1874 godu

Scarce scientific work with detailed maps of the area between the two seas, now in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

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How to understand horses: no copy traced


Ippologiia, ili Nauka o loshadi. Chast I-II [Hippology, or The Science of the Horse. Parts I-II]

SKRINNIKOV, Mikhail, Ippologiia, ili Nauka o loshadi. Chast I-II

First edition of this influential Russian work on horse education and hippiatry, illustrated with 3 plates. Very rare: no copy traced on the market nor in libraries.

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What is it and what to do?

MARIN-DARBEL, Gustave Efranor, Mikhail MARKUS, Dr. JAEHNICHEN, Vasilii ZUBKOV and Christian LODER

A Sammelband of Five Works on the Cholera in Russia

MARIN-DARBEL, Gustave Efranor, Mikhail MARKUS, Dr. JAEHNICHEN, Vasilii ZUBKOV and Christian LODER, A Sammelband of Five Works on the Cholera in Russia

Very rare pamphlets, all on the cholera in Moscow, bound together at the time: a lovely volume bringing together French, German and Russian, and witnessing the activity of the international medical community in Moscow in front of this new deadly threat.

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Astrology and predictions in Russia


[The Book, Called Bruce's Calendar] Kniga, imenuemaia Brusovskoi kalendar.

[BRUCE'S CALENDAR], [The Book, Called Bruce's Calendar]

Complete example of an early, fully engraved edition of this famous, richly illustrated civil calendar, with predictions to the 20th century. A fine example with provenance charmingly handwritten. "A great rarity" writes Bitovt.

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Very rare ABC by an artist of the Moscow Darwin Museum

VATAGIN, Vasilii Alekseevich

Azbuka v kartinkakh [ABC in Pictures]

VATAGIN, Vasilii Alekseevich, Azbuka v kartinkakh

Charming early Soviet ABC by a noted artist of natural history, in excellent condition and very rare: we could trace only one copy at auction (in Russia) and one in a public library (in Russia too).

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