Reforming the laws of the empire

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV]

Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

[LOPUKHIN, Prince Petr, and Nikolai NOVOSILTSEV], Mémoire Presenté par le Ministère de la Justice Relativement à L'Organisation de la Comission des Lois [...] Suivi d'un Extrait des Rapports [...] sur les Travaux de Cette Commission. Première Partie [All published]

A fundamental work at the source of a clarification and homogenisation of the laws of the Russian empire at the turn of the 19th century. An excellent copy of this very rare publication: only one copy traced of this French issue of the first edition (Göttingen).

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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Lovely piece of binding art from Odessa


Presentation portfolio

[ODESSA - BINDING], Presentation portfolio

Odessa's Chief Prosecutor receives a fine leather portfolio with silver plaque - with the original documents preserved.

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Celebrating progress in Russia's legal system

KONI, Anataolii Fedorovich

Otsy i deti sudebnoi reformy. K piatidesiatiletiiu Sudebnykh ustavov. 1864-1914 [Fathers and Children of the Judicial Reform]

KONI, Anataolii Fedorovich, Otsy i deti sudebnoi reformy. K piatidesiatiletiiu Sudebnykh ustavov. 1864-1914

Fine example of this celebratory work, in the pleasant publisher's binding.

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A rare example of Russian text of the Enlightenment

[CATHERINE II, the Great]

Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis


[CATHERINE II, the Great], Nakaz [...] dannyi komissii o sochinenii proekta novogo ulozheniia.

Instruction [...] pour la commission chargee de dresser le projet d'un nouveau code de loix.

Instruction fúr die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetz-Buche verordnete Commission.

Instrvctio [...] coetvi convocato ad conficiendam ideam novi legvm codicis

A lovely example of this famous edition of Catherine's celebrated Great Instructions, much inspired by important European philosophers of the Englightenment.

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Another of Peter's innovations: Russia's first military criminal code

Artikul Voinskii s kratkim tolkovaniem i s Protsessami. Kriegs-Artickeln mit beygefügten kurzen Anmerckungen und Processen [BOUND WITH] Ekzertsitsii, Prigotovlenie k marshu, zvaniia i dolzhnosti polkovykh chinov. Exercitia, Marsch und Pflichten wie auch Devoir der Regiments-Chargen [Military Articles... [BOUND WITH] Exercises, Preparation for Marching...]

, Artikul Voinskii s kratkim tolkovaniem i s Protsessami. Kriegs-Artickeln mit beygefügten kurzen Anmerckungen und Processen [BOUND WITH] Ekzertsitsii, Prigotovlenie k marshu, zvaniia i dolzhnosti polkovykh chinov. Exercitia, Marsch und Pflichten wie auch Devoir der Regiments-Chargen

Attractive example of these important legal and military texts, rarely found.

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Part of Catherine's legislative effort

[CATHERINE THE GREAT] – ARNDT, Christian Gottlieb (translator)

Rußisch-kaiserliche Ordnung der Handels-Schiffahrt auf Flüßen, Seen und Meeren [Russian Imperial Statute of Merchant Shipping on Rivers, Lakes and Seas]

[CATHERINE THE GREAT] - ARNDT, Christian Gottlieb (translator), Rußisch-kaiserliche Ordnung der Handels-Schiffahrt auf Flüßen, Seen und Meeren

First developped legislative corpus for maritime trade and merchant shipping. First edition in German, Catherine's native language, printed in Saint Petersburg.

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Drunk "very unhandsome" Circassian ladies and Russian mushrooms

[COLLINS, Samuel]

The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

[COLLINS, Samuel], The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, with an important portrait of Tsar Alexei and a famous chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes. Very good example of the first edition.

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A European bestseller twice inscribed

GEFTER, Avgust Vilgelm [August Wilhelm HEFFTER] and Konstantin TAUBE (translator)

Evropeiskoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo [European International Law]

GEFTER, Avgust Vilgelm [August Wilhelm HEFFTER] and Konstantin TAUBE (translator), Evropeiskoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo

Important legal treatise, here in a fine example of its first Russian edition, inscribed by the translator to his wife, and later to his son.

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From Ukraine to North America, from the origins to Catherine the Great

DILTEI Filipp Genrikh – Philippe Henry DILTHEY

Opyt rossiiskoi geografii s tolkovaniem gerbov i s rodosloviem tsarstvuiushchego doma, sobrannyi iz raznyh avtorov i manuskriptov Essay géographique sur la Russie avec le blason et la généalogie de la maison regnante, compilé de différens auteurs & manuscripts

DILTEI Filipp Genrikh - Philippe Henry DILTHEY, Opyt rossiiskoi geografii s tolkovaniem gerbov i s rodosloviem tsarstvuiushchego doma, sobrannyi iz raznyh avtorov i manuskriptov

Detailed and wide-ranging description of the history, peoples and geography of the Russian empire under Catherine the Great. Very rare: only four copies outside Russia, one only in the US.

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With the striking wrappers


Albom Bortsov za Svobodu [Album of Freedom Fighters, Pt.1 [all published]]

ORZHIKH, Boris, Albom Bortsov za Svobodu

Impressive publication of a politically active Russian émigré to Japan. Richly illustrated, here with the original publisher's printed wrappers.

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