How to write letters about everything

Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar [The Newest Complete Letter-Writing Manual, or General Secretary]

, Noveishii polnyi pismovnik ili vseobshchyi sekretar

A great resource for any Russian writing letters at the beginning of the 19th century: from love letters in verses to business and administrative correspondance, or official letters to the highest-ranked people, everything is included in this rare work. No copy of this edition traced outside Russia.

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Important early book for Russian children - with a sewn translation label

KAMPE [CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich; and Aleksandr Semenovich SHISHKOV, translator]

Detskaia biblioteka, izdannaia na nemetskom iazyke gospodinom Kampe, a s onago perevedena g. *** [Children's library [ie. Kleine Kinderbibliothek], published in German by Mr. Campe, and translated by M. ***].

KAMPE [CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich; and Aleksandr Semenovich SHISHKOV, translator], Detskaia biblioteka, izdannaia na nemetskom iazyke gospodinom Kampe, a s onago perevedena g. ***

More than a translation, an original adaptation, dedicated to Princess Dahskova, the first woman head of an Academy of Sciences and first female member of the American Philosophical Society. A very rare early edition of this important book for Russian children - and a lovely example with a sewn translation label!

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In publisher's wrappers

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich

Detstvo i Otrochestvo [Childhood and Adolescence]

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich, Detstvo i Otrochestvo

Tolstoy's own editing of his first novel: a lovely example, rare in original wrappers, of this second edition, specially adapted for children's reading and showing for the first time a different version from the standard text.

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Mathematics in the hands of the Empress


Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh [Guide to Arithmetic for Use in People's Schools]

[VUIANOVSKII, Stefan], Rukovodstvo k arifmetike dlia upotrebleniia v narodnykh uchilishchiakh

Empress Mariia Fedorovna's copy of an important Russian textbook for arithmetic. First edition, in a lovely example finely bound in green silk with attractive endpapers.

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Exceptional copy of a ground-breaking ABC

BURTSOV, Vasilii (also BURTSEV)

[Bukvar] Nachalne uchenie ch[e]l[o]v[e]kom khotiashchim razumeti bozh[es]tvenago pisaniia [ABC, or Primer]

BURTSOV, Vasilii (also BURTSEV), [Bukvar] Nachalne uchenie ch[e]l[o]v[e]kom khotiashchim razumeti bozh[es]tvenago pisaniia

The first primer printed in Russia, first edition, in a great, complete example almost without restoration, and in its contemporary binding allowing generous margins showing an extremely rare typographic sign. A great rarity, with only one copy in public libraries outside Russia.

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One of his famous children books

LISSITZKY, El [Eliezer Lazar Markovich] (artist) and Peter Ben Zion RASKIN

Der Ber [The Bear]

LISSITZKY, El [Eliezer Lazar Markovich] (artist) and Peter Ben Zion RASKIN, Der Ber

A scarce Yiddish children's book by a major figure of the Russian and Jewish avant-garde: an early Kiev production of the important Kultur Lige, illustrated on every page by Lissitzky.

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The Tsar carries out God's will on earth

PLATON [Petr LEVSHIN, later Metropolitan of Moscow]

Pravoslavnoe uchenie ili sokhrashchennaia khristianskaia bogosloviia, dlia Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva … Tsesarevicha i Velikago Kniazia Pavla Petrovich.. [Orthodox Teaching, or Christian Theology Abridged, for His Imperial Highness…the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich].

PLATON [Petr LEVSHIN, later Metropolitan of Moscow], Pravoslavnoe uchenie ili sokhrashchennaia khristianskaia bogosloviia, dlia Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva … Tsesarevicha i Velikago Kniazia Pavla Petrovich..

First edition of this Catechism for Tsarevich Pavel, the "first textbook of Orthodox theology in Russia" by an important religious figure of 18th-c. Russia, whom Voltaire called "the Russian Plato". Very rare: no copy at auction and only 3 copies in libraries outside Russia.

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An innovative, purely visual teaching method

IAZVINSKII, Aleksandr [actually Anton] Feliksovich

Sinkhronicheskiie tablitsy vseobshchei istorii, ukrashennyie 1500 portretami, sniatymi s medalei, sluzhashchiie k Khronograficheskomu atlasu A. Iazvinskogo [Synchronous Tables of the World History, decorated with 1,500 portraits copied from medals. A supplement to the chronographic atlas by A.Iazvinskii]

IAZVINSKII, Aleksandr [actually Anton] Feliksovich, Sinkhronicheskiie tablitsy vseobshchei istorii, ukrashennyie 1500 portretami, sniatymi s medalei, sluzhashchiie k Khronograficheskomu atlasu A. Iazvinskogo

Very rare 'atlas' teaching world history without words, purely with images and visual memory: a very innovative teaching method in 19th-c. Russia, Poland, and Europe.

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Kiev printing in 6 languages, on blue paper


Sviashchennaia istoriia dlia maloletnikh detei… Sacra historia in gratinam puerorum… L'histoire sacrée composée en langue russe a l'usage des jeunes gens…

[RUMOVSKII-KRASNOPEVKOV, Veniamin], Sviashchennaia istoriia dlia maloletnikh detei… Sacra historia in gratinam puerorum… L'histoire sacrée composée en langue russe a l'usage des jeunes gens…

Six languages with 5 different fonts: a rare introduction to biblical story for children, printed on blue paper a lovely copy.

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Very rare ABC by an artist of the Moscow Darwin Museum

VATAGIN, Vasilii Alekseevich

Azbuka v kartinkakh [ABC in Pictures]

VATAGIN, Vasilii Alekseevich, Azbuka v kartinkakh

Charming early Soviet ABC by a noted artist of natural history, in excellent condition and very rare: we could trace only one copy at auction (in Russia) and one in a public library (in Russia too).

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