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In South America after Paris

SVITKOV, Nikolai [pseud. for Nikolai STEPANOV]

Masonstvo v Russkoi Emigratsii [Freemasonry in Russian emigration].

SVITKOV, Nikolai [pseud. for Nikolai STEPANOV], Masonstvo v Russkoi Emigratsii

Uncommon second edition of Svitkov's main work on Russian Masonry, published in Brazil.

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MISHO, Genrikh

Mekhanicheskii Teatr Sveta. Obiavlenie [Mechanical Theatre of Light. Announcement].

MISHO, Genrikh, Mekhanicheskii Teatr Sveta. Obiavlenie

Rare broadside for series of entertainments in Moscow, including an optical theatre of animated figures by a versatile performer and craftsman.

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Kinetozograficheskie vidy. Obiavlenie [Kinetozographic Views. Announcement].

KUPARENKO, Iordakii, Kinetozograficheskie vidy. Obiavlenie

Rare broadside for an impressive Russian kinetozographic theatre of 400 animated figures in Pushkin's Moscow, by a hot-air balloon enthusiast now in the Guinness World Records.

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Oil issues at the start of the Cold War

SANTALOV, A[rsenii] A[lexeevich]

Sovremennie problem nefti v kapitalisticheskikh stranakh [Contemporary Oil Problems in Capitalist Countries].

SANTALOV, A[rsenii] A[lexeevich], Sovremennie problem nefti v kapitalisticheskikh stranakh

"The struggle for oil between England and the USA", "US oil monopolies go on the offensive" and "The role of oil in the Second World War" - among the 7 parts of Santalov's lecture on oil, the West and the Soviet Union. Uncommon.

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With the dust-jacket


Beg vremeni [The Flight of Time].

AKHMATOVA, Anna, Beg vremeni

First edition of Akhmatova's last book published during her lifetime, and the most complete collection of her poems to that date, with many published here for the first time. Complete with the dust-jacket illustrated with Modigliani's portrait of the great Russian poetess.

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Now extinct dogs fighting in 1830s Moscow


Obiavlenie [Announcement]

[BAITING DOGS], Obiavlenie

Two consecutive illustrated Russia broadsides announcing different rounds of large wild animal baiting in Pushkin's 1830s Moscow, involving the now-extinct Medelyan dogs.

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A Black Sea youth


U samogo moria [At the Edge of the Sea]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, U samogo moria

A fine example of the first edition of this important autobiographical poem by one of the best Russian poets, and a victim of Soviet censorship.

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From amber mining to sable hunting on ski

BRAND, Johann Arnold von

Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

BRAND, Johann Arnold von, Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

A very rich and overlooked 17th-c. travel account, with quantity of original material on Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Siberia, including music and songs in the vernacular, as well as many engraved plates, especially on amber mining, sable hunting on ski and Easter celebrations in Moscow. A rare Rossica, especially in contemporary binding.

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A lovely, fresh example

BARBIER, George and Francis de MIOMANDRE

Dessins sur les Danses de Vaslav Nijinsky

BARBIER, George and Francis de MIOMANDRE, Dessins sur les Danses de Vaslav Nijinsky

Beautiful art-deco interpretations of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, seen here through the combined geniuses of Barbier and Nijinsky, in the early and most successful years of Diaghilev's entreprise. A rare book in such a lovely condition.

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For the 1730s Baltic traders

Morskii poshlinnyi reglament ili ustav […] Neues See-Zoll-Reglement […]


Lateinisch-Rußisch und Teutsches Vocabularium. Latino-rossiiskaia i nemetskaia slovesnaia kniga.


Poshlinnoi Tarif […]. Zoll-Tarif […]

, Morskii poshlinnyi reglament ili ustav […] Neues See-Zoll-Reglement […]


Lateinisch-Rußisch und Teutsches Vocabularium. Latino-rossiiskaia i nemetskaia slovesnaia kniga.


Poshlinnoi Tarif […]. Zoll-Tarif […]

An exceptional sammelband for Russo-German sea trade under the Germanophile Tsarina Anna Ivanovna, containing three rare and early Russian publications: the first bilingual editions of the new duty statute and of the customs tariff, together with a trilingual dictionary. A lovely, fresh example in contemporary binding.

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First bananas, curry and sake


Fregat Pallada [The Frigate Pallada]

GONCHAROV, Ivan, Fregat Pallada

One of the best travel accounts by a Russian literary author: Goncharov's travel to Japan, Hong Kong and Africa. An excellent example of the first edition.

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Catherine the Great's business in the Black Sea and the Caucasus

Traktat o torgovle mezhdu rossiiskoiu imperieiu i portoiu ottomanskoiu [Treaty of Commerce between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Porte]

, Traktat o torgovle mezhdu rossiiskoiu imperieiu i portoiu ottomanskoiu

Uncommon treatise between Catherine's Russia and the Ottoman Empire, and inbetween two Russo-Turkish wars of the 18th century.

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An 18th-c. best-seller in the Tsar's library


Les Saisons

THOMPSON, James, Les Saisons

A Russian Imperial copy of Eisen's charming plates to illustrate a best-seller of the 18th century.

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Small but packed with fascinating content


Desiatiletnee stranstvovanie i prikluchenie v Bukharii, Khive, Persii i Indii, i vozvrashchenie ottuda cherez Angliu v Rossiu [Ten Years of Wanderings and Adventures in Bukhara, Khiva, Persia and India, and the return journey from there through England to Russia]

EFREMOV, Filipp, Desiatiletnee stranstvovanie i prikluchenie v Bukharii, Khive, Persii i Indii, i vozvrashchenie ottuda cherez Angliu v Rossiu

Very rare fiist editoion of this travel to areas "almost completely closed to Europeans" (Vigasin): the first significant Russian publication on Central Asia, "the first geographic exploration of Uzbekistan" (Lebedev) with a detailed description of silk production, and most probably the first printed Russian-Persian vocabulary.

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The birth of Ukrainian literature


Virgillieva Eneida, na malorossiiskii iazyk prelozhennaia [The Aeneid, translated into the Little Russian/Ukrainian]

KOTLIAREVSKII, Ivan Petrovich, Virgillieva Eneida, na malorossiiskii iazyk prelozhennaia

The first literary work wholly written in modern Ukrainian: a important edition of the main book written by "the father of modern Ukrainian literature" (Encycl. Britannica). This is the first edition authorised by the author and the first to include 4 parts, with a dictionnary of more than 1000 Ukrainian words. A very rare book: only two copies in WorldCat and no copy traced outside Russia and Ukraine in recent decades.

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Pandemic in Catherine's Russia

SHAFONSKII, Afanasiy Filimonovich

Opisanie morovoi iazvy… [Description of the Plague…in Moscow from 1770 to 1772]

SHAFONSKII, Afanasiy Filimonovich, Opisanie morovoi iazvy…

A rare case of a Russian 18th-c. book in Mariia Fedorovna's library: the first Russian scientific work on the plague. An exceptional copy of a major work.

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Large-paper in red morocco

RERESBY, Sir John, Bt

The Travels and Memoirs of Sir John Reresby... The Former (now First Published) Exhibiting a View of the Governments and Society in the Principal States and Courts of Europe, during the Time of Cromwell's Usurpation; the Latter Containing Anecdotes, and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II. and James II

RERESBY, Sir John, Bt, The Travels and Memoirs of Sir John Reresby... The Former (now First Published) Exhibiting a View of the Governments and Society in the Principal States and Courts of Europe, during the Time of Cromwell's Usurpation; the Latter Containing Anecdotes, and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II. and James II

The preferred, large-paper issue attractively bound in full red morocco richly gilt. This edition contains the very first publication of the Travels; and the first illustrated edition of the Memoirs: overall with almost 40 plates including 11 hand-coloured, some with gilt highlights. A great example.

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Poe as French surgeon!

POE, Edgar Allan, and OUYDA [pseud. for Maria Louise RAME]

Izbrannye Razskazy [i] Dozhdlivyy Iyun [Selected Short Stories, and A Rainy June]

POE, Edgar Allan, and OUYDA [pseud. for Maria Louise RAME], Izbrannye Razskazy [i] Dozhdlivyy Iyun

Very rare Poe curiosity, showing on the cover a portrait of....somebody completely different! Together with a short story by a female author.

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