Art-deco elegance at its best

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU

Vaslav Nijinsky

IRIBE, Paul (artist) and Jean COCTEAU, Vaslav Nijinsky

Excellent example of this classic celebration of the star of Diaghilev's Ballets russes. First edition.

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In the lovely art-nouveau wrappers


Vishnevyi Sad [Cherry Orchard]

CHEKHOV, Anton, Vishnevyi Sad

Uncommon edition of Chekhov's masterpiece, with only the publisher's wrappers different from the first edition. A pleasant example.

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Avant-garde theatre in pre-revolutionary Russia

[EVREINOV, Nikolai] – KAMENSKII, Vasilii Vasilievich

Kniga o Evreinove [A Book About Evreinov]

[EVREINOV, Nikolai] - KAMENSKII, Vasilii Vasilievich, Kniga o Evreinove

Avant-garde theatre - including Wilde and Beardsley - through the eyes of an avant-garde poet, artist and aviator. Published the year of the Revolution, by an important theatre woman.

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In uniform contemporary bindings

OSTROVSKII, Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Sochineniia [Works]

OSTROVSKII, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Sochineniia

Collected works of one of the most important Russian playwrights - the first posthumous edition.

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Chekhov's innovative director

STANISLAVSKII, Konstantin Sergeevich

Cabinet photograph signed to Andrei Pavlovich Petrovskii

STANISLAVSKII, Konstantin Sergeevich, Cabinet photograph signed to Andrei Pavlovich Petrovskii

Excellent photograph of the famous director, beautifully inscribed to a fellow man of theatre.

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"For adults" as printed on the title page


Vlast Tmy [The Power of Darkness]

TOLSTOY, Lev, Vlast Tmy

Tolstoy the playwright, with a play forbidden for the stage during some years. A fresh example of the first edition.

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Tolstoy the playwright


Pervyi vinokur ili kak chertenok kraiushku zasluzhil. Komediia [The First Distiller, or How the Little Devil Earned his Crust. A Comedy]

TOLSTOY, Lev, Pervyi vinokur ili kak chertenok kraiushku zasluzhil. Komediia

First edition of Tolstoy's successful play on wine and some of its effects... Lovely example in wrappers. Scarce.

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Tolstoy's answer to Chekhov - unopened

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich [TOLSTOI]

Zhivoi trup. Drama v 6 deistviyakh i 12 kartinakh [A Living Corpse. A drama in 6 acts and 12 scenes]

TOLSTOY, Lev Nikolaevich [TOLSTOI], Zhivoi trup. Drama v 6 deistviyakh i 12 kartinakh

First separate edition of Tolstoy's play, a large-format quality production, with illustrations. A lovely example, unopened in the charming art-nouveau wrappers.

Tolstoy wrote in his diary, "that in A Living Corpse there are notes inspired by Chekhov's work. Such is the secret of artistic creativeness".

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Diaghilev collecting debts


Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

DIAGHILEV, Serge, Autograph letter, signed, to "cher Directeur" [Jacques Hébertot]

Very good autograph letter by Diaghilev, the celebrated founder of the Ballets Russes. With his bold signature, which is rarely found.

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Some of the most recognisable buildings of St. Petersburg

THOMAS de THOMON, Jean-François

Recueil des plans et façades des principaux monumens construits à Saint Pétersbourg et dans les différentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie

THOMAS de THOMON, Jean-François, Recueil des plans et façades des principaux monumens construits à Saint Pétersbourg et dans les différentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie

Scarce architectural work by one of the leading architects of the Russian empire under Tsar Paul 1st, and responsible for some of the most famous buildings in St. Petersburg and Odessa.

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First in Yiddish - inscribed

SHAKESPEARE, William and I. GOLDBERG (translator)

Romeo un Zshulyete: tragedya in finf aktn [Romeo and Juliet: the Tragedy in Five Acts]

SHAKESPEARE, William and I. GOLDBERG (translator), Romeo un Zshulyete: tragedya in finf aktn

Lovely example of a rare book: the first 'Romeo and Juliet' published in Yiddish, here in fine condition and inscribed by the translator to a famous Yiddish author and professor.

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Inscribed to Proust's Russian-born friend

BARBIER, George (artist) and Jean-Louis VAUDOYER

Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina

BARBIER, George (artist) and Jean-Louis VAUDOYER, Album dédié à Tamar Karsavina

A classic Ballets-Russes work inscribed to a Russian-born Parisian lady, while she was helping Proust publishing the beginning of his 'Recherche': a fine example of the first edition of this famous work.

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Hamlet in war time

SHAKESPEARE, William, and Boris PASTERNAK (translator)

Gamlet. Prints Datskii. Tragediia [The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark]

SHAKESPEARE, William, and Boris PASTERNAK (translator), Gamlet. Prints Datskii. Tragediia

First separate edition of Shakespeare's famous tragedy in Pasternak's fine translation. A pleasant example of this scarce edition.

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The great Russian poetess on stage

TSVETAEVA, Marina Ivanovna

Konets Kazanovy [The End of Casanova]

TSVETAEVA, Marina Ivanovna, Konets Kazanovy

Tsvetaeva's play in verses and 'declaration of love for Casanova'. The only life-time book edition - with the original decorated wrappers.

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Cubist theatrical impressions

GLADKY, Serge (artist, also Serhii HLADKY) and André SALMON

Synthèse du costume théâtral

GLADKY, Serge (artist, also Serhii HLADKY) and André SALMON, Synthèse du costume théâtral

One of only 170 copies of this beautiful album of fresh and striking plates. In a fine modern binding.

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In luminous pochoir with silver highlights

[BAKST] – REAU, Louis, Denis ROCHE, Valerian SVETLOV and A. TESSIER

Inedited Works of Bakst

[BAKST] - REAU, Louis, Denis ROCHE, Valerian SVETLOV and A. TESSIER, Inedited Works of Bakst

Among the best representations of Bakst's costumes for the Ballets Russes, here with the rare dust-jacket in very good condition.

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MISHO, Genrikh

Mekhanicheskii Teatr Sveta. Obiavlenie [Mechanical Theatre of Light. Announcement].

MISHO, Genrikh, Mekhanicheskii Teatr Sveta. Obiavlenie

Rare broadside for series of entertainments in Moscow, including an optical theatre of animated figures by a versatile performer and craftsman.

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Kinetozograficheskie vidy. Obiavlenie [Kinetozographic Views. Announcement].

KUPARENKO, Iordakii, Kinetozograficheskie vidy. Obiavlenie

Rare broadside for an impressive Russian kinetozographic theatre of 400 animated figures in Pushkin's Moscow, by a hot-air balloon enthusiast now in the Guinness World Records.

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