Russia in the 16th century Russia - with the three maps

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others

Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von, Paulo GIOVIO, Paul ODERBORN and others, Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores varii, unum in corpus nunc primum congesti

Important edition gathering Herberstein's famous description of early Russia together with other related works, to give a wide-ranging understanding of Muscovy. With aristocratic provenance, in contemporary binding, and complete with its famous illustrations and maps, including Moscow's first printed plan.

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Ukraine's ancient history and culture


Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre [Antiquities of the Dnipro Region]

KHANENKO, Bogdan, Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre

Major study of ancient artefacts found in central Ukraine and down to the Black Sea. An impressive production, both scientific and beautiful, and very rare complete of all issues.

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Mapping Russia's history and development for an international audience

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de

Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de, Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

First edition of this impressive wide-ranging work, finely printed by Pluchart in St. Petersburg. A scarce publication, with a wealth of information on the Russian empire up to Pushkin's time.

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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From amber mining to sable hunting on ski

BRAND, Johann Arnold von

Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

BRAND, Johann Arnold von, Reysen durch die Marck Brandenburg, Preussen, Churland, Liefland, Peßcovien, Groß-Naugardien, Tweerien und Moskovien […] anbey Eine Seltsame und sehr Anmerckliche Beschreibung von Siberien […]

A very rich and overlooked 17th-c. travel account, with quantity of original material on Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Siberia, including music and songs in the vernacular, as well as many engraved plates, especially on amber mining, sable hunting on ski and Easter celebrations in Moscow. A rare Rossica.

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Important early eyewitness account of Russia at a key moment


Regni Muschovitici sciographia. Thet är: een wiss och egenteligh beskriffning om Rydzland [History of the Grand Duchy of Muscovy. That is, a knowledgeable and accurate description of Russia]

PETREJUS, Petrus, Regni Muschovitici sciographia. Thet är: een wiss och egenteligh beskriffning om Rydzland

Wide-ranging observations on Russia under and after Ivan the Terrible, including one of the first accounts of Siberian exile. The Macclesfield copy of the first edition.

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Early days

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL]

Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh [Englishmen in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries]

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL], Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh

A theme rarely researched: the relations between Russia and Great Britain, and here more specifically early English travellers to Russia before Peter the Great. First edition of this scarce study.

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Manuscript history in your pocket


Tablettes chronologiques de la Monarchie de Russie

[BARRIÉRA], Tablettes chronologiques de la Monarchie de Russie

A lovely manuscript booklet finely bound, showing all important events of Russia's history up to 1784 - very unusual, attractive and informative, possibly connected to Tsar Nicholas I.

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With Russian soldiers chasing a monkey


La Religion ancienne et moderne des Moscovites

[SCHLEISSING, Georg Adam], La Religion ancienne et moderne des Moscovites

Great study of the religious habits and dogmas of Western Russians in th 17th century - finely illustrated with engraved plates by Picart. A fine copy of this uncommon edition.

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Banned Russian edition of a banned English book

FLETCHER, Dzhails [Giles]

O gosudarstve russkom, ili Obraz pravleniia russkago tsaria (obyknovenno nazyvaemago tsarem moskovskim). S opisaniiem nravov i obychaev zhitelei etoi strany [Of the Rvsse Common Wealth: Of the Russian State, or the Manner of Government of the Russian Emperor]

FLETCHER, Dzhails [Giles], O gosudarstve russkom, ili Obraz pravleniia russkago tsaria (obyknovenno nazyvaemago tsarem moskovskim). S opisaniiem nravov i obychaev zhitelei etoi strany

First Russian book edition -banned- of Fletcher's famous -and banned- description of Russia which first appeared in 1591. A very rare edition, printed in Geneva by Russian revolutionaries, in a fine, fresh example.

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From Catherine the Great's library

FIDLER, Konstantin [also FIEDLER]

Slovo pokhvalnoe velikomu gosudariu Borisu Fedorovichu Godunovu [Eulogy to the Great Tsar Boris Fedorovich Godunov]

FIDLER, Konstantin [also FIEDLER], Slovo pokhvalnoe velikomu gosudariu Borisu Fedorovichu Godunovu

Very rare first edition in Russian of this praise of Boris Godunov, with great and unusual provenance: Catherine the Great and Smirdin's famous lending library. A lovely example.

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Ancient jewellery in the Grand Duke's library

KONDAKOV, Nikodim Pavlovich

Russkie klady. Issledovaniie drevnostei velikokniazheskogo perioda [Russian treasures. A study of antiquities of the grand dukedom period]. Vol. 1 [all published]

KONDAKOV, Nikodim Pavlovich, Russkie klady. Issledovaniie drevnostei velikokniazheskogo perioda

Grand Duke Alexey's copy of the first scholarly work on ancient Russian jewelry: an excellent example of the first edition, finely illustrated.

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One of the greatest museums of Russia

LOUKOMSKI [LUKOMSKII] Georgii Krestsenovich

Le Kreml (Kremlin) de Moscou. Ses cathédrales, ses palais et ses trésors d'art

LOUKOMSKI [LUKOMSKII] Georgii Krestsenovich, Le Kreml (Kremlin) de Moscou. Ses cathédrales, ses palais et ses trésors d'art

A complete example of this impressive photographic survey of the Kremlin and its fantastic museums.

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In a binding with deer tools

[CRULL, Jodocus] (editor) and J[oachim] BOUVET

The Present Condition of the Muscovite Empire, till the Year 1699. In Two Letters: the First from a Gentleman, Who Was Conversant with the Muscovite Ambassadour in Holland: the Second from a Person of Quality at Vienna, Concerning the Late Muscovite Embassy, His Present Czarish Majesty; the Russian Empire; and Great-Tartary. With the Life of the Present Emperour of China

[CRULL, Jodocus] (editor) and J[oachim] BOUVET, The Present Condition of the Muscovite Empire, till the Year 1699. In Two Letters: the First from a Gentleman, Who Was Conversant with the Muscovite Ambassadour in Holland: the Second from a Person of Quality at Vienna, Concerning the Late Muscovite Embassy, His Present Czarish Majesty; the Russian Empire; and Great-Tartary. With the Life of the Present Emperour of China

Russian and China at the end of the 17th century, in a lovely binding with deer tools. A fine example of the first edition, the Macclesfield copy.

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With striking designs

SAMOKISH Nikolai (artist) and Lev Al. MEY

Izbavitel [The Saviour]

SAMOKISH Nikolai (artist) and Lev Al. MEY, Izbavitel

A hunting poem beautifully decorated by one of the leading book illustrators of the time. Separately published from Kutepov's celebrated and monumental 'Imperial Hunt'.

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Out of stock
Exceptional copy of a ground-breaking ABC

BURTSOV, Vasilii (also BURTSEV)

[Bukvar] Nachalne uchenie ch[e]l[o]v[e]kom khotiashchim razumeti bozh[es]tvenago pisaniia [ABC, or Primer]

BURTSOV, Vasilii (also BURTSEV), [Bukvar] Nachalne uchenie ch[e]l[o]v[e]kom khotiashchim razumeti bozh[es]tvenago pisaniia

The first primer printed in Russia, first edition, in a great, complete example almost without restoration, and in its contemporary binding allowing generous margins showing an extremely rare typographic sign. A great rarity, with only one copy in public libraries outside Russia.

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Drunk "very unhandsome" Circassian ladies and Russian mushrooms

[COLLINS, Samuel]

The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

[COLLINS, Samuel], The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, with an important portrait of Tsar Alexei and a famous chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes. Very good example of the first edition.

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With fine contemporary Welsh provenance

[CHEVALIER, Pierre] and Edward BROWN[E] (translator)

A Discourse of the Original, Countrey, Manners, Government and Religion of the Cossacks, with another of the Precopian Tartars. And the History of the Wars of the Cossacks against Poland

[CHEVALIER, Pierre] and Edward BROWN[E] (translator), A Discourse of the Original, Countrey, Manners, Government and Religion of the Cossacks, with another of the Precopian Tartars. And the History of the Wars of the Cossacks against Poland

Early account in English of the Ukrainian Cossacks uprising, told by one of their leaders. Uncommon first edition in English, with fine provenance.

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