"Three, seven, ace!"

PUSHKIN, Alexander and Alexandre BENOIS (artist)

Pikovaia Dama [Queen of Spades]

PUSHKIN, Alexander and Alexandre BENOIS (artist), Pikovaia Dama

A novella masterpiece of Russian literature here in a celebrated edition finely illustrated and beautifully produced.

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The greatest Russian poet and the greatest Soviet dictator...



[PUSHKIN and STALIN], Lukomore

A small leaf containing a funny parody which could send you to a GULAG camp.

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With a fine original watercolour

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN]

Boris Godounov

POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Boris ZWORYKINE (artist) [PUSHKIN and ZVORYKIN], Boris Godounov

One of the great productions of the Parisian Russian artists - this one from the "tirage de tête" on Japon with a watercolour by Zworykine.

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Russian fables for Europe: illustrated and translated

KRYLOV – KRILOFF, Ivan Andreevich

Basni russkiia [...] Fables russes [...] imitées en vers Français et Italiens par divers auteurs

KRYLOV - KRILOFF, Ivan Andreevich, Basni russkiia [...] Fables russes [...] imitées en vers Français et Italiens par divers auteurs

Attractive example of this famous edition of Russia's greatest fabulist, in Russian, French and Italian, with engraved plates. A luxury lifetime production, here particularly fresh.

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POUCHKINE, Alexandre and Vasily CHOUKHAEFF (artist) [PUSHKIN and SHUKHAEV], Boris Godounov

One of the great artists' books of the Russian Paris school - here in the deluxe version on Japon Impérial: one of 18 copies only.

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With Pushkin's lifetime illustrations

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich and Friedrich L. von MAYDELL (artist)

Tsygany [The Gypsies]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich and Friedrich L. von MAYDELL (artist), Tsygany

Attractive example of this large-format illustrated edition of Pushkin's poem.

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Rare Russian fables from Ukraine

NAKHIMOV, Akim Nikolaevich

Sochineniia v stikhakh i proze [Works in Verse and Prose]

NAKHIMOV, Akim Nikolaevich, Sochineniia v stikhakh i proze

Early Russian fables (and other poetical works) at the dawn of Russia's Golden Age of Literature - the authors only book, written and printed in Kharkov, nowadays Ukraine. No copy traced outside Russia.

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Finely illustrated

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Mstislav DOBUZHINSKY (artist)

Evgenii Onegin. Roman v stikhakh [Eugene Onegin. Novel in verse, ed. by V.F. Khodasevich]


PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Mstislav DOBUZHINSKY (artist), Evgenii Onegin. Roman v stikhakh

Pushkin's novel in verses in the original Russian, here illustrated by Dobuzhinsky: the first edition of the full set of illustrations.

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Inscribed by the translator, a feminist character

[PUSHKIN] – Alexandre POUCHKINE, Véra STARKOFF (transl.) and Marie EGOROFF (artist)

Rouslane et Ludmile

[PUSHKIN] - Alexandre POUCHKINE, Véra STARKOFF (transl.) and Marie EGOROFF (artist), Rouslane et Ludmile

The first complete poetic French translation of Pushkin's celebrated work. Strikingly illustrated by an original Russian female artist, and this copy inscribed by the translator: a politically-engaged playwright and one of the main figures of the feminist theatre movement in France. Rarely found, and only 500 copies printed.

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Svetlov-Fekula copy - one of 50 only

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Sergey LIFAR and Prof. M. L. GOFMAN (editors)

Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda [Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Sergey LIFAR and Prof. M. L. GOFMAN (editors), Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda

Pushkin's best travel account in a fine bibliophilic edition, one of 50 'ad nominem' copies only, this one for Valerian Svetlov.

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Pushkin escapes the Tsar's police

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Sergey LIFAR (editor)

Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda [A Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Sergey LIFAR (editor), Puteshestvie v Arzrum vo vremia pokhoda 1829 goda

Pushkin's best travel account in a fine bibliophilic edition, with the first publication of his draft.

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The failed revolt - very rare


Donesenie Varshavskogo komiteta [Report of the Warsaw Investigation Committee]

[DECEMBRISTS], Donesenie Varshavskogo komiteta

Very rare first edition of this important report on the Decembrists' revoltof the end of 1825. A lovely copy with contemporary provenance. Only one example traced outside Russia.

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Out of stock
Pushkin's erotica with erudite comments

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Boris TOMASHEVSKII (editor)

Gavriiliada [The Gabrieliad]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr and Boris TOMASHEVSKII (editor), Gavriiliada

Pushkin's most famous censored work, here in a lovely and important scholarly edition, finely produced.

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Out of stock
The last lifetime edition - with both wrappers

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich

Evgenii Onegin, Roman v stikhakh [Eugene Onegin, Novel in Verse]

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Evgenii Onegin, Roman v stikhakh

One of Russia's greatest masterpieces, here in a lovely 'miniature' edition - the last one published during Pushkin's lifetime - and in an attractive example with the rare wrappers.

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Out of stock
All in One

Ivan BILIBIN, Viktor VASNETSOV (artists) and Alexander PUSHKIN

Skazki, bound with Pesn o Veshchem Olege [Folk Tales] and [The Song of the Wise Oleg]

Ivan BILIBIN, Viktor VASNETSOV (artists) and Alexander PUSHKIN, Skazki, bound with Pesn o Veshchem Olege

All of Bilibin's famous portrait illustrations for Pushkin's tales bound in one single volume - very unusual, and in lovely condition.

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With more than 120 poems

[KUGUSHEV, Nikolai (ed.)] – Anna BUNINA, Gavrila DERZHAVIN, Nikolai KARAMZIN, Vasilii ZHUKOVSKII and others

Sobranie stikhotvorenii, otnosiashchikhsia k nezabvennomu 1812 godu [A Collection of Poems Related to the Unforgettable Year of 1812]

[KUGUSHEV, Nikolai (ed.)] - Anna BUNINA, Gavrila DERZHAVIN, Nikolai KARAMZIN, Vasilii ZHUKOVSKII and others, Sobranie stikhotvorenii, otnosiashchikhsia k nezabvennomu 1812 godu

A "most important monument of Russian culture and literature": one of the - if not the - first thematic anthologies of Russian poetry at the dawn of its Golden Age. An exceptional example, uncut in its original pink printed wrappers, of these very rare two volumes.

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Printed on a single sheet

PUSHKIN, A[leksandr Sergeevich]

Bratia razboiniki [The Robber Brothers]

PUSHKIN, A[leksandr Sergeevich], Bratia razboiniki

The most affordable Pushkin's lifetime edition, here in a stunning uncut, unopened and unbound single sheet. A great example of Russia's golden age of poetry.

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