Yalta's bay on a 1.5m panorama

MITKIN, Mikhail

Obshchii vid Ialty [General View of Yalta]

MITKIN, Mikhail, Obshchii vid Ialty

Fine and scarce photographic view of the famous Crimean coastal town. In an attractive binding of the time.

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Siberian singing

PROTASOV, Nikolai Petrovich

20 narodnykh pesen Sibiri dlia odnogo golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano [20 Siberian Folk-Songs for Solo Voice with Piano Accompaniment]

PROTASOV, Nikolai Petrovich, 20 narodnykh pesen Sibiri dlia odnogo golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano

Rare etnographic musical work, a record of popular songs from Siberia, with the attractively decorated wrapper. First edition.

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"Die Reise um die Welt ohne Geld"


Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich [On Foot: Crisscrossing the Whole Russian Empire]

POHLIG, Emil, Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich

Unusual extensive manuscript travel account of a German going through Russia and recording his many observations - richly illustrated with a variety of added material. Only partly published in contemporary newspapers.

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In the lovely art-nouveau wrappers


Vishnevyi Sad [Cherry Orchard]

CHEKHOV, Anton, Vishnevyi Sad

Uncommon edition of Chekhov's masterpiece, with only the publisher's wrappers different from the first edition. A pleasant example.

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Great copy with contemporary provenance

CHEKHOV, Anton Pavlovich

Povesti i razskazy [Novellas and Stories]

CHEKHOV, Anton Pavlovich, Povesti i razskazy

Some of the best short stories of the great Russian author (such as 'The Black Monk'), here in an attractive example with fine bibliophilic provenance.

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With gold chromolithography

PETROV-ROPET, Ivan (artist)

Obiavlenie o koronovanii Nikolaia II i Aleksandry Fedorovny 14 maia 1896g [Announcement of the Coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna on 14 May 1896]

PETROV-ROPET, Ivan (artist), Obiavlenie o koronovanii Nikolaia II i Aleksandry Fedorovny 14 maia 1896g

Beautiful broadside, very decorative, in very good condition.

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Oral tradition on the shores of the White Sea

ONCHUKOV, Nikolai Evgenevich

Severnye skazki. Arkhangelskaia i Olonetskaia gg [Northern Tales. From Arkhangel and Olonetsk provinces]

ONCHUKOV, Nikolai Evgenevich, Severnye skazki. Arkhangelskaia i Olonetskaia gg

More than 300 traditional tales are gathered here, in the local dialects: a fine work of ethnographic material on the northern regions of Russia.

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Imperial copy


Skazki deistvitelnosti [Tales of Reality]

NEMIROVICH-DANCHENKO, Vasilii Ivanovich, Skazki deistvitelnosti

First edition of these great realistic Russian novellas: the Tsarskoe Selo copy.

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In fine condition

GRIGORIEV, Boris Dmitrievich

Faces of Russia

GRIGORIEV, Boris Dmitrievich, Faces of Russia

A lovely, clean copy of this great book of artistic portraits of Russians. First English edition, copy num. 7.

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The World Powers seen from Russia - and bound in Istanbul


Vneshniaia politika Rossii i polozhenie inostrannykh derzhav [Russia's External Policy and the Position of Foreign States]


SKALKOVSKII, Konstantin, Vneshniaia politika Rossii i polozhenie inostrannykh derzhav

Wide-ranging and fascinating analysis of the world powers and their relationships with Russia at the turn of the 20th century - with great comments on China and the USA. First edition, bound in Constantinople and with interesting modern provenance.

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From baptism to wedding


Four Ceremonials

[ROMANOVS], Four Ceremonials

Uncommon luxurious full cream calf binding for the wedding of two first cousins of the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II - together with three other ceremonials detailing important events in the close family of Alexander III. A fine group.

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The last Russian coronation in a deluxe binding


Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II: Three Ceremonials

[ROMANOVS], Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II: Three Ceremonials

Details of the processes of the coronation of the last Russian tsar, together with the list of important foreign attendees - including one volume more unusually luxuriously bound in full soft red calf gilt.

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Another war which went wrong...

BURTSEV, Vladimir Lvovich

Tsar i vneshniaia politika. Vinovniki russko-iaponskoi voiny [The Tsar and Foreign Affairs. The Culprits of the Russo-Japanese War]


BURTSEV, Vladimir Lvovich, Tsar i vneshniaia politika. Vinovniki russko-iaponskoi voiny

Great denunciation of the catastrophy for Russia of the war against Japan. A pre-revolutionary publication banned in tsarist Russia.

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In black cloth with silver eagle

[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich] – FREDERIKS, V.B. Baron

Vysochaishe utverzhdennyi tseremonial perevezeniia tela [...] Velikogo Kniazia Mikhaila Nikolaevicha iz g. Kann[...].

Cérémonial [...] pour la translation de la dépouille mortelle [du] Grand-Duc Feldmaréchal Michel Nikolaévitch de Cannes à St-Pétersbourg


[ROMANOV, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich] - FREDERIKS, V.B. Baron, Vysochaishe utverzhdennyi tseremonial perevezeniia tela [...] Velikogo Kniazia Mikhaila Nikolaevicha iz g. Kann[...].

Cérémonial [...] pour la translation de la dépouille mortelle [du] Grand-Duc Feldmaréchal Michel Nikolaévitch de Cannes à St-Pétersbourg

Unusual funeral ceremonial for the transportation of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich's corpse from Cannes to St. Petersburg. A fine association copy.

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In lovely condition


Na putiakh k dvortsovomu perevorotu (zagovory pered revoliutsii 1917 goda) [On the Paths Towards a Palace Coup (plots ahead of the 1917 Revolution)]

MELGUNOV, Sergei, Na putiakh k dvortsovomu perevorotu (zagovory pered revoliutsii 1917 goda)

Rather objective historical analysis of the Russian political plots around Tsar Nicholas II before the revolution. A fine example of the first edition.

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WWI caricatures in ancient style

USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich

Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni [Chronicle of the Teutonic War on the Slavs]


USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich, Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni

Complete set of this unusual war satire, written and illustrated in ancient Russian style. Rare when handcoloured, as here.

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Abundant imperial hunting parties in the Mountains


Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

KALINOVSKII, A, Les chasses au Caucase. Okhoty Kavkaza

First edition of this impressive visual record of imperial hunting parties in the Caucasus - one of the greatest Russian hunting books, in French and Russian, conceived and produced specifically to promote the Caucasian region at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900. With 100 leaves of illustrations. A good example in the publisher's binding.

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Out of stock
Rare illustrations of Ukrainian textile - from an art historian's family


Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo [Ukrainian Folk Art]

[UKRAINE - TEXTILE], Ukrainskoe narodnoe tvorchestvo

An excellent set of this series on the Ukrainian art of lace and textile decoration, richly illustrated. Very rare, on the market like in libraries. With fine literary and artistic provenance.

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