'South to the Great Steppe' - with his wife

ATKINSON, Thomas William

Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

ATKINSON, Thomas William, Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia

Pleasant copy of the first edition of this famous, extensive description of Central Asia at the heart of the Great Game.

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Mapping Russia's history and development for an international audience

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de

Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

WEYDEMEYER, Alexandre de, Tableaux historiques, chronologiques, geographiques et statistiques de l'Empire de Russie, avec une carte généalogique

First edition of this impressive wide-ranging work, finely printed by Pluchart in St. Petersburg. A scarce publication, with a wealth of information on the Russian empire up to Pushkin's time.

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Discovering remote Siberia


Dnevnik ekspeditsii [...] po rekam Nizhnei Tunguske, Oleneku i Lene v 1873-75 godakh [Diary of the Expedition [...] undertaken in 1873-75 along the rivers Nizhniaia Tunguska, Olenek and Lena]

CHEKANOVSKII, Aleksandr, Dnevnik ekspeditsii [...] po rekam Nizhnei Tunguske, Oleneku i Lene v 1873-75 godakh

First edition of this rare account of exploring expeditions in central and northern Siberia. With map and illustrations.

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Early days

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL]

Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh [Englishmen in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries]

GAMEL, I. [Joseph Christian HAMEL], Anglichane v Rossii v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh

A theme rarely researched: the relations between Russia and Great Britain, and here more specifically early English travellers to Russia before Peter the Great. First edition of this scarce study.

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Russian vessels in America - inscribed

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors)

S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938 [From the Shores of America: commemorative historical compendium of the Association of former Russian naval officers in America, 1923 - 1938]

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors), S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938

A warmly inscribed copy of this interesting book about the Russian navy, especially in relation to the Pacific and the USA. With illustrations and maps, in particular of the northern shore of Russia and North Pacific.

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Northern regions seen by a Russian artist

BORISOV, Aleksandr Alekseevich

U Samoedov. Ot Pingi do Karskogo moria. Putevye ocherki [Among the Samoyeds. From the Pinega river to the sea of Kars. Travel sketches]

BORISOV, Aleksandr Alekseevich, U Samoedov. Ot Pingi do Karskogo moria. Putevye ocherki

An artist-explorer gives his impressions of his polar trip to Northern Russia.

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The first Russian painter of the Arctic

BORISOV, Aleksandr Alekseevich

Krainii sever [The Far North]

BORISOV, Aleksandr Alekseevich, Krainii sever

Great images due to an artist-explorer discovering the Arctic regions of Russia. Scarce, and this copy inscribed by a leading Soviet explorer.

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Russia, Persia and China at the time of Peter the Great

BELL, John

Travels from St Petersburg in Russia, to Diverse Parts of Asia [to Ispahan...to Pekin through Siberia...from Mosco to Derbent in Persia... A Journey from St. Petersburg to Constantinople]

BELL, John, Travels from St Petersburg in Russia, to Diverse Parts of Asia [to Ispahan...to Pekin through Siberia...from Mosco to Derbent in Persia... A Journey from St. Petersburg to Constantinople]

The preferred first edition in the Quarto format; with the folding map of Siberia up to China.

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With the large map of the Russian Empire

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von

An Historico-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia; but More Particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von, An Historico-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia; but More Particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary

Fine, fresh example of this famous work, with its impressive map but also with important illustrations and a wide-ranging content on Siberia and other Russian regions.

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The Soviet Antarctic - inscribed

LEBEDEV, Vladimir Lvovich

Antarktika [The Antarctic]

LEBEDEV, Vladimir Lvovich, Antarktika

Important study of the Antarctic by a leading Soviet oceanographer: a first edition, inscribed by the author to a distinguished hydrologist and engineer. Illustrated, in particular with maps.

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Beyond the Baikal and back

[PALLAS, Peter Simon]

Voyages en Sibérie, extraits de journaux de divers savans voyageurs. Ornés de Planches & cartes

[PALLAS, Peter Simon], Voyages en Sibérie, extraits de journaux de divers savans voyageurs. Ornés de Planches & cartes

The great German polymath in an uncommon lifetime edition, often overlooked. A pleasant example of these accounts of Pallas' wide-ranging descriptions of Western and Central Siberia.

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A mountainous surprise

OBRUCHEV, Sergei Vladimirovich

V nevedomykh gorakh Iakutii [In the Unknown Mountains of Yakutia]

OBRUCHEV, Sergei Vladimirovich, V nevedomykh gorakh Iakutii

First edition of this important expedition exploring the last unknown region of Russia, and discovering there an impressive mountain: the Chersky Range. Complete with illustrations and the first map of the area, in north-east Siberia.

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