Crimean Greek antiquities in red morocco

ASHIK, Anton Baltazarovich

Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami, raspisnymi vazami, planami, kartami i vidami [The Bosphorus Kingdom and its Palaeographic Monuments and Tombstones, Painted Vases, Plans, Maps and Views]

ASHIK, Anton Baltazarovich, Vosporskoe tsarstvo s ego paleograficheskimi i nadgrobnymi pamiatnikami, raspisnymi vazami, planami, kartami i vidami

The first significant work on the Greek antiquities on the Black Sea shores. A complete copy of this famous archeological book finely produced in Odessa, here in a luxurious binding. With unusual provenance.

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Ukraine's ancient history and culture


Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre [Antiquities of the Dnipro Region]

KHANENKO, Bogdan, Drevnosti Pridneprovia. Antiquitiés de la région du Dniepre

Major study of ancient artefacts found in central Ukraine and down to the Black Sea. An impressive production, both scientific and beautiful, and very rare complete of all issues.

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Yalta's bay on a 1.5m panorama

MITKIN, Mikhail

Obshchii vid Ialty [General View of Yalta]

MITKIN, Mikhail, Obshchii vid Ialty

Fine and scarce photographic view of the famous Crimean coastal town. In an attractive binding of the time.

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A Black Sea youth


U samogo moria [At the Edge of the Sea]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, U samogo moria

The first edition of this important autobiographical poem by one of the best Russian poets, and a victim of Soviet censorship.

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Account of 17th-c. Russia from a 'cabinet de lecture'

[COLLINS, Samuel]

Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

[COLLINS, Samuel], Relation curieuse de l'estat present de la Russie

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, here in an unusual, uncut copy of the first French edition, from a private lending library with the label detailing its lending conditions. Includes the famous illustrated chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Fascinating account of the trade and business in Southern Russia and the Black Sea in the 18th century - with a wealth of details and personal comments. First edition, not common.

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"Die Reise um die Welt ohne Geld"


Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich [On Foot: Crisscrossing the Whole Russian Empire]

POHLIG, Emil, Zu Fuss: Kreuz und Quer Durchs das Ganze Russische Reich

Unusual extensive manuscript travel account of a German going through Russia and recording his many observations - richly illustrated with a variety of added material. Only partly published in contemporary newspapers.

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"One does not have to go very far to gain an immense appreciation for the magnitude of Zohrapian's contribution" (Cox)

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] – ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor)

A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean [Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.[...] With prefaces to each book and an appendix of Apocryphal writings]

[ARMENIAN BIBLE] - ZOHRAPIAN, Hovhannes (editor), A[stuats]ashunch' matean hin ew nor ktakaranats' ěst chshgrit t'argmanu[t']ean nakhneats' merots' i hellenakann hawatarmagoyn bnagrē i haykakans barbaṛ hashkhatasirut'[en]ē Hovhannu Zōhrapean

A landmark edition of the Armenian Bible, in a pleasant example. Rarely found.

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A fresh example


Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec l'histoire de ses découvertes

[MARBAULT, M. de, also MARBEAU], Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec l'histoire de ses découvertes

Lovely, crisp copy of this classic work on Russian trade, esp. interesting for its description of the North Pacific and Alaska - but also of the Black Sea and Ukraine. With German royal provenance.

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Lovely piece of binding art from Odessa


Presentation portfolio

[ODESSA - BINDING], Presentation portfolio

Odessa's Chief Prosecutor receives a fine leather portfolio with silver plaque - with the original documents preserved.

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Fascinating illustrated account

GOPPE, German (publisher)

Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny [The Illustrated Chronicle of War]

GOPPE, German (publisher), Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny

The Balkans, Southern Eastern Europe and Western Turkey in two fascinating folio volumes detailing all events of the 1877-78 war. Very richly illustrated and rarely found in such an attractive example, here in the original publisher's binding.

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Famous account of the Middle East

FORBIN, Auguste, comte de

Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et 1818

FORBIN, Auguste, comte de, Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et 1818

Forbin's text volumes describing his celebrated travel to the Middle East; in very good condition.

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Ancient jewellery in the Grand Duke's library

KONDAKOV, Nikodim Pavlovich

Russkie klady. Issledovaniie drevnostei velikokniazheskogo perioda [Russian treasures. A study of antiquities of the grand dukedom period]. Vol. 1 [all published]

KONDAKOV, Nikodim Pavlovich, Russkie klady. Issledovaniie drevnostei velikokniazheskogo perioda

Grand Duke Alexey's copy of the first scholarly work on ancient Russian jewelry: an excellent example of the first edition, finely illustrated.

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Drunk "very unhandsome" Circassian ladies and Russian mushrooms

[COLLINS, Samuel]

The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

[COLLINS, Samuel], The Present State of Russia, In a Letter to a Friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the great czars court at Mosco [sic] for the space of nine years

Great (if often negative) early account of pre-petrine Russia, with an important portrait of Tsar Alexei and a famous chapter on mushrooms - among many other remarks and anecdotes. Very good example of the first edition.

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Production, trade and customs in Southern Eastern Europe

PEYSSONEL, Charles de

Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

PEYSSONEL, Charles de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire

Attractive example of the first edition of this major work on 18th-century trade from Bulgaria and Romania to Georgia and the Caucasus, through Ukraine, Russia and Turkey. With a fantastic panorama of the products produced and traded.

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Ukazatel putei paketbotnykh parokhodov Rossiiskikh i inostrannykh [Russian and foreign packet boats' pathfinder].

[BLACK SEA], Ukazatel putei paketbotnykh parokhodov Rossiiskikh i inostrannykh

A fascinating and extremely rare map, in excellent condition, showing the steam-boats routes on the Black Sea just a year before the outbreak of the Crimean War.

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Extra-illustrated, in a signed binding

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de [Anatolii DEMIDOV], and Denis Auguste RAFFET (artist)

Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie, et la Moldavie

DEMIDOFF, Anatole de [Anatolii DEMIDOV], and Denis Auguste RAFFET (artist), Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie, et la Moldavie

An unusual and attractive copy of this classic plate book, here with plates in various states and with contemporary provenance.

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A Black Sea youth


U samogo moria [At the Edge of the Sea]

AKHMATOVA, Anna, U samogo moria

A fine example of the first edition of this important autobiographical poem by one of the best Russian poets, and a victim of Soviet censorship.

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