As issued

WARNERY, [Charles-Emmanuel] de

Remarques sur le militaire des Turcs et des Russes

WARNERY, [Charles-Emmanuel] de, Remarques sur le militaire des Turcs et des Russes

Excellent example of this detailed account of the forces in presence during the 1768-74 war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

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In signed full contemporary red morocco

ATKINSON, John Augustus (artist)

A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Russians

ATKINSON, John Augustus (artist), A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Russians

One of the most beautiful and impressive British works on Russia, with many great plates in fine colouring. Here unusually bound in a luxury full red morocco gilt signed.

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Dangerous illegal printing in Soviet Ukraine


Istoriia UPA [History of the UPA]

[SHANKOVSKY, Lev], Istoriia UPA

Rare example of a Ukrainian samizdat, focusing on the history of its now famous resistance group.

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A noted military theorist in Argentina


Izbrannye stati i rechi [Selected Articles and Speeches]

KHOLMSTON-SMYSLOVSKII, [Boris], Izbrannye stati i rechi

A volume of essays by a Russian anti-communist general, published in South America, where he advised the Argentinian president.

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Striking 'lubki' in great condition

SITINE [Ivan SYTIN] (publisher)

Images et dessins populaires russes jusqu'a 1860 [Title on cover]

SITINE [Ivan SYTIN] (publisher), Images et dessins populaires russes jusqu'a 1860 [Title on cover]

Some great imagery in a rare volume of 85 plates - mostly military but only, with many themes strikingly depicted. A rare item of Russian folk art, here in fine condition.

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In a binding of fine quality

ROMANOV, Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich

General-Adiutanty Imeratora Aleksandra I [Adjutants-Generals of the Emperor Alexander I]

ROMANOV, Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, General-Adiutanty Imeratora Aleksandra I

Attractive example of this fine production of Russian military history.

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Rare and richly illustrated


Ego Imperatorskoe Vysochestvo Velikii Kniaz Sergei Mikhailovich, General Inspektor Russkoi Artillerii, Sbornik Vospominanii o Ego Zhizni i Rabote i o Razvitii Artlilerii v ego Vremia [His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, Inspector-General of Russian Artillery. Collection of Reminiscences About His Life and Work, And About the Development of Artillery during His Lifetime]

LASHKOV, S.I, Ego Imperatorskoe Vysochestvo Velikii Kniaz Sergei Mikhailovich, General Inspektor Russkoi Artillerii, Sbornik Vospominanii o Ego Zhizni i Rabote i o Razvitii Artlilerii v ego Vremia

Scarce émigré work commemorating a prominent member of the Romanov family, active during WWI and shot by the Bolsheviks; first edition, published in Yugoslavia (now Serbia).

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The American Civil War for a Russian audience

VIGO ROUSSILLON, Francois-Paul, trans. Stankevich and Vitmer

Voennye sily Severo-Amerikanskikh Shtatov. Voina za nerazdelnost Soiuza (1861 - 1865) [The Military Forces of the North American States. War for the Integrity of the Union 1861-1865]

VIGO ROUSSILLON, Francois-Paul, trans. Stankevich and Vitmer, Voennye sily Severo-Amerikanskikh Shtatov. Voina za nerazdelnost Soiuza (1861 - 1865)

Very rare first book in Russian dealing with the American Civil War, illustrated with large folding maps. Apparently no copy in the USA of this first edition, only one outside Russia (in Rome).

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50 years later... still forbidden in Russia

ERMOLOV, Aleksei Petrovich, also YERMOLOV

Zapiski Alekseia Petrovicha Ermolova o voine 1812 goda [Notes of Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov about the war of 1812]

ERMOLOV, Aleksei Petrovich, also YERMOLOV, Zapiski Alekseia Petrovicha Ermolova o voine 1812 goda

Important eye-witness account of Napoleon's invasion of Russia: scarce first edition published in London because banned in Russia.

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Fascinating illustrated account

GOPPE, German (publisher)

Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny [The Illustrated Chronicle of War]

GOPPE, German (publisher), Illiustrirovannaia khronika voiny

The Balkans, Southern Eastern Europe and Western Turkey in two fascinating folio volumes detailing all events of the 1877-78 war. Very richly illustrated and rarely found in such an attractive example, here in the original publisher's binding.

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The new concept of 'hybrid warfare'

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii]

Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial [The Worldwide Subversion-War]

MESSNER, Eugenio [Evgenii], Vsemirnaia miatezhevoina. Guerra revolucionaria mundial

The Cold War and the 1960s analysed by a military theorist. A fine example of the first edition.

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Contemporary portrait

French school of the 19th century

Portrait de Hadji Mourad

French school of the 19th century, Portrait de Hadji Mourad

Extremely rare contemporary portrait of a famous Caucasian rebel - described by Gagarin and Tolstoy.

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Another war which went wrong...

BURTSEV, Vladimir Lvovich

Tsar i vneshniaia politika. Vinovniki russko-iaponskoi voiny [The Tsar and Foreign Affairs. The Culprits of the Russo-Japanese War]


BURTSEV, Vladimir Lvovich, Tsar i vneshniaia politika. Vinovniki russko-iaponskoi voiny

Great denunciation of the catastrophy for Russia of the war against Japan. A pre-revolutionary publication banned in tsarist Russia.

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Napoleon's stay at Waterloo's farm

LAUDY, Lucien

Drawings of Napoleon's Imperial Guard AND Regiments of the Line

LAUDY, Lucien, Drawings of Napoleon's Imperial Guard AND Regiments of the Line

More than 60 watercolours of Napoleonic uniforms, drawn by a Nopoleon fan who initiated a museum in the house where Napoleon stayed before the final battle of Waterloo. An historical object, finely bound.

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A great Russian Napoleonica, complete in original wrappers

BOZHOVSKII, Vasliii Konstantinovich

Vystavka 1812 goda: illiustrirovanoe izdanie [Exhibition Dedicated to the Year 1812: Illustrated Edition].

BOZHOVSKII, Vasliii Konstantinovich, Vystavka 1812 goda: illiustrirovanoe izdanie

The impressive, thick and richly illustrated catalogue of the centenary exhibition celebrating the Patriotic War against Napoleon. Very rare in wrappers, complete with all plates.

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An aristocrat, traveller and diplomat, with artistic talents

GAGARINE, Prince Grégoire – Kniaz Grigorii Grigorevich GAGARIN

Dessins et croquis d'après nature. Risunki i nabroski s natury

GAGARINE, Prince Grégoire - Kniaz Grigorii Grigorevich GAGARIN, Dessins et croquis d'après nature. Risunki i nabroski s natury

Gagarin's artistic record of Turkish and Caucasian types, among other sketches reproduced, including portraits of Russian aristocrats in the Caucasus, Gypsies in Moscow and views of Egypt and Greece. A beautiful, large format production of one of the best Russian presses of the time. A fine example with contemporary provenance.

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WWI caricatures in ancient style

USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich

Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni [Chronicle of the Teutonic War on the Slavs]


USPENSKII, Vasilii Ivanovich, Letopisets v litsakh o Tevtonstey brani na sloveni

Complete set of this unusual war satire, written and illustrated in ancient Russian style. Rare when handcoloured, as here.

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Russian vessels in America - inscribed

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors)

S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938 [From the Shores of America: commemorative historical compendium of the Association of former Russian naval officers in America, 1923 - 1938]

GLADKII, S.V. and Iu.K. DVORZHITSKII (editors), S beregov Ameriki: iubileinyi istoriceskii sbornik o-va russkih morskih ofitserov v Amerike, 1923 – 1938

A warmly inscribed copy of this interesting book about the Russian navy, especially in relation to the Pacific and the USA. With illustrations and maps, in particular of the northern shore of Russia and North Pacific.

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